Welcome to the 2024 Village Mill Vipers Swim Team!
Would you like to support the 2024 Village Mill Vipers Swim Team?
To become a Village Mill Vipers Swim Team Sponsor please fill out this SPONSORSHIP FORM
Are you interested in being a Village Mill Vipers 2024 Sponsor?
One of the things that makes our fantastic swim team possible are the sponsorships that come in this time of year. Generous donations from local businesses and families help us keep things running. Sponsorship support helps ensure that we have the best coaches, equipment, and swim team experience possible for our swimmers. Generous donations also help keep registration costs down, so that swim team continues to be affordable for our families. Becoming a sponsor for swim team is also a great way to advertise you business to the community. If you aren't a small business owner, you can support the swim team by becoming a 'family' sponsor when you register.
Village Mill Swim Team Sponsorship Levels & Benefits 2024
Sponsorship Levels $1000 Platinum Level $750 Gold Level $500 Silver Level $300 Bronze Level $50 or100 Family Sponsorship
Benefits of Platinum Level- $1000
All the benefits of Gold Level plus your logo on the Village Mill swim cap
Benefits of Gold Level- $750
All the benefits of Bronze Level plus dominant size and placement of your Logo on back of the team T-shirts and the sponsor banner.
Framed team photo
Benefits of Silver Level- $500
All the benefits of Bronze Level plus placement of your Logo on the back of the team T-shirts and sponsor banner.
Benefits of the Bronze Level- $300
Your logo and acknowledgment on the Village Mill Swim Team website and the Village Mill Swim & Tennis club website
Signage on the Pool Announcement Board for the 2024 Pool Season (May-Sept)
Signage at home meets thanking you for your support
Announcement at Home Meets
Acknowledgement in the Village Mill Newsletter (entire pool/ neighborhood distribution) as a supporter of the Village Mill Vipers (June and July issues)
Benefits of a Family Sponsorship- $50 or $100
Acknowledgment on the Village Mill Swim Team website
Gratitude from the coaches and swimmers for supporting our program!
Please complete theSponsorship Formor email LinzUGA@gmail.com for more information and feel free to pass this along to any businesses you think might be interested in becoming Village Mill Vipers Sponsors!
Thank you for your support!
Welcome to the 2021 Village Mill Viper Swim Team!
We are excited about the summer season of Village Mill Swim Team. Our volunteer Swim Team Chairpersons for 2021 are Sheila Greear and Lindsay Morton. Please email them at VillageMillSwimTeam@gmail.com with questions or visit villagemill.swimtopia.com for more information.
Please note: Village Mill Swim Team is for Village Mill Swim and Tennis Club Members only. Please visit http://www.villagemill.org/view/membership-info.aspx or contact Membership@villagemill.org for more information on how to join.
2021 Registration is OPEN! You can register at: https://villagemill.swimtopia.com/register.
Please visit villagemill.swimtopia.com.
COVID Policies -
Village Mill will be returning to a more normal looking pool season this year with coronavirus protections in place. We will also have afternoon practices!
Swim Season Covid Protocols:
- coaches will wear face masks or face shield when unable to socially distance
- parents on pool deck will wear a mask during practice and meets when unable to socially distance
- swimmers will wear a mask until they are in the pool
- coaches and parents will complete a sign check-in for their swimmer(s) and themselves that they are symptom free, and that they have had no contact with someone who is coronavirus positive in the last 10 days.
- hand sanitizer and disinfectant will be available
- swimmers will arrive at the front gate and exit at the designated side gate
- we are looking at lots of options to safely have our swim meets in person
- our first meet is scheduled for Tuesday, May 25 (when school is in session)
- We are looking forward to the return of our amazing concession stand (for that we need 1 or 2 concession stand coordinators to oversee its return)
TENTATIVE Pre-Season Practices:
- Monday-Friday Afternoons only, May 10th - May 27th.
* Practice Begins May 11th
4:00 - 4:30 p.m. 6 and Under
4:30 - 5:00 p.m. 7/8
5:00 -5:30 p.m. 9/10
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. 11 and Up
TENTATIVE Regular Season Morning practices (M, T, Th, and Fri) - beginning Tuesday, June 1st
9:00 - 9:30 a.m. 6 & Under
9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 7/8
10:00 -10:45 a.m. 9/10
10:45 - 11:30 a.m. 11 & Up
11:30 - Noon - Junior Swim Team
* Wednesdays are "Wacky Wednesdays" - games, ribbons, and donuts!
9:30 - 10:15am - 10 and under
10:15 - 11:00am - 11 and over
11:00 - 11:30am - Weekly Swim Clinic (optional for all regular swim team ages - great for those who would like a little extra help with starts, strokes, etc.)
11:30am - Noon - Junior Swim Team (Regular Jr Practice)
TENTATIVE Regular Season Afternoon Practices (NOTE: NEW TIMES THIS SEASON)
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting after Memorial Day
5:00 - 5:30pm - 8 and unders
5:30 - 6:00pm - 9 and over
If you have any questions, please email VillageMillSwimTeam@gmail.com.
If you are interested in becoming a Junior Coach this season, please complete this swim team form, and we will get in touch with you with more information.