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VMCI Update |
Dear VMCI Members:
Our Annual General Meeting onSeptember 14, 2014is quickly approaching and it is time to nominate our 2015 Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee is in place and needs to fill the following positions:
Vice President
Tennis Chair
Pool Chair
Social Chair
At Large Member
Our Club membership numbers are at an all-time high and the club is in excellent financial condition. Our swim team continues to haul in ASA trophies, our tennis teams continue to line the court fences with ALTA championship plaques and our social events are the best in Dunwoody. And we needyourhelp to keep this ball rolling along!
Please consider volunteering for one of the above positions for 2015. While the officer positions (President, VP and Treasurer) must be held by resident members, the other positions are open to all members and it is important to have representation on the board from resident members, associate members and senior members. It also helps to have some newer members who bring fresh ideas, especially for social, tennis or pool.
Please e-mail current President Eric Friedman atpresident@villagemill.orgfor more information on the duties of any of the above positions. Please volunteer to keep VMCI one of the best clubs in town.
2014 VMCI Board Nominating Committee Meeting on August, 17that7:30at Pool Pavilion
2014 VMCI Nominating Committee Members:
Eric Friedman
Andy Smith
Jeff Simmons
Katie Moussouri
Lyn Brown
Upcoming VMCI Meetings
Sunday, August 17, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion
VMCI ANNUAL MEETING- Sunday, September 14, 6:00 pm @ Pool Pavilion
Sunday, October 19, TBA
Sunday, November 16, TBA
Sunday, December 14, TBA
Kindergarten Social |
Meet and Greet Other New Kindergarten Friends
Thursday, August 7
@4:30 pm
Village Mill Playground
Calling all rising kindergarten students! We will have a fun meet and greet event at the pool to kick off the school year. Anyone that will be starting Kindergarten this year is welcome, please join other old and new friends in celebrating this big event.
Please email Jen Simmons atsimmons_jb@yahoo.comto RSVP and if you are willing to volunteer to help plan the event. One more more volunteer is needed please, thank you!!!

THE ROMEOS had a fabulousJULYbreakfast meeting with one of our largest group of ROMEOS ever attending and thoroughly enjoying a super presentation by MikeBusherand his colleague Joe detailing the Ashton Woods Homes neighborhood development in the "desert" named Heritage OfDunwoody. THE ROMEOS got the "scoop" as it were and left pleased after hearing the exciting plans for Heritage OfDunwoody. A very warm ROMEO welcome was extended to our new neighbors to be.
We have another great meeting planned forAUGUST11that will feature "Mr. College Football" TonyBarnhartwhom we have looked forward to hearing from again by popular demand. Mr. Barnhart is currently a football analyst for CBS Sports, author of 5 books on college football, and was a national college football writing for the AJC for 24 years. Thanks in advance for a great turnout.
Juliets News |
The Juliets will meet again onSept. 13, 2014 at12:00atThe Atlanta Athletic Club.
Let's share our summer fun and adventures.No reservation required. Hope to see you!Please bring a check made out to Nancy Huey.You willreceiveyour own bill, which includes tax and gratuity. Nocalculatornecessary! Car pools are fun!
For ride,
Tennis Update |
Village Mill ALTA Teams
Congratulations to the A-1 Mixed Doubles team Division Runner Ups!We have 12 Village Mill teams registered for the fall:
Captain /E-Mail Address
Regular-season play begins the first week in September and ends October 20.If you are interested in playing on one of these teams contact the team captain. If you do not see a team at your level, contact Katie Moussouri at for information about teams at reciprocal clubs.
Tennis Arakut Programs
After School Program
The After School Program resumes August 4. Go to, click on the "Drills" tab and select "After School Kids Drills" to get more information. Program days, times and fees are the same as last year.Players are grouped by ability and have the opportunity to attend drills once, twice or more each week - depending on the player's schedule and interest.
If you are new to the program, download registration forms (under the "Registration" tab). If you are returning to the program, send your day preferences to Takura at You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your registration is complete.
End-of-Summer Kid's Tournament
Save the date for August 9! TAA is hosting its annual End-of-Summer Kid's Tournament from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is included. If your player has food allergies, please send a lunch with your child. The registration fee is $15. There is no fee to play if your child participated in summer camp.
The deadline for registering is 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 7. The draw will be prepared on Friday, August 9 and late registrations will NOT be accepted. To sign up, go to:
- Go to to make your court reservations. If you do not have member access to the website, e-mail your name and e-mail address to You will receive a link to activate your User Account.
- We are introducing a new 15-minute grace period rule regarding court reservations. If a court is not in use after 15 minutes from the start of the reservation, the reservation will be canceled and the court is available for play.
- This summer we have noticed that the courts have been unlocked. Be sure to lock the courts when you leave.
- Be good stewards of our facilities and considerate of other members. Don't leave your trash for someone else to pick up. If you see an overflowing trash can, please empty it.
- The VMCI Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 14. We will elect a new board at the meeting. We have several positions open for the 2015 board - Vice President, Treasurer, Tennis, Pool, Social & Member at Large. Please consider serving. Contact Eric Friedman at if you are interested.
- Contact Katie Moussouri, Tennis Chair, with comments, questions and/or suggestions at
Friday Night Cookouts at the Pool |
We need volunteers to host the Friday Night Cookouts for several Friday's in August and September including this Friday.
Let me know if you are interested!You would be responsible for purchasing and preparing the main course.Then the set up and clean up on the day of the cookout.It is fun and a great way to enjoy the pool and neighbors as the summer comes to a close.
Linda McJunkin
Swim Team |
Thank you to everyone for a great swim season at Village Mill.
The Vipers had a lot of fun swimming every day and ended the season with 3 victories, 1 loss and a tie due to weather. We sent a record number of swimmers to the Divisional Meet at GA Tech and had a number of swimmers return for the final meet.
It would not have been possible without all the hard work of our coaching staff and our fabulous volunteers.Cheri Mills, Chandler Mulford, Haley Pierce, Wyatt Brown, Allie Puckett and Corrine Sinsigalli all worked long and hard to make it a great summer swim season.
Our many fabulous volunteers made the work seem easy and kept it all fun. Thank you to everyone who gave their time and energy this summer.
We need your feedback to make our program even stronger. Please fill out the attached survey swim team to provide input for next year.
Georgie's Girl Book Club |
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, September 3
10:00 a.m. - Nancy Ballenger's
7:30 p.m.- Kathy Seggerson's
Book Selection: Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonightby Alexandra Fuller
Neighborhood News
Thank you to...
Janey Hoag for organzing the 4th of July parade. It is a great tradition and we all enjoyed honoring our Grand Marshall, Takura Musungwa, who became a US citizen this year.
Kimi Lenertz for organizing the 4th of July picnic and pool party. Another wonderful celebration at Village Mill with great food, entertainment and good music.
Welcome to New VMCI Members
Derek Elmerick and Virginia Adams
( Hudson and MitchellElmerick)
Welcome New Neighbors
Stacey and Matt Jenkins
4642 Peeler Mill Rd
Lauren and Matt Acuff
4832 Village Creek Drive
Farewell to...
MaryAnn and Kevin McCormick and Chris, Caitlin and Ellie
Kristy and Jason Whitener and Scott, Brian and Sarah
Well Wishes to...
Nina Carlson's granddaughter on a speedy recovery from a car accident last month
Please email the newsletter editors at with news and updates.