Village Mill Neighborhood Association
July 2013 Newsletter
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" on facebook for updates
4th of July Events in Village Mill
Village Mill Parade
3:30 p.m.
The annual Village Mill Parade will kick off our July 4th celebration. Starting at the top of Olde Village Run and heading all the way to the pool, this fun bike, walk & scooter parade is a Village Mill tradition. Look for Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty to lead the way. Questions? Contact Janey Hoag.
Afternoon Games and Dinner at the Pool
4:00-8:00 p.m.
DJ, Swimming, and Dancing...come hang out at the pool and enjoy! Catered dinner will be served around 5:30 pm. It is a great way to cool off after a long day at the Peachtree Road Race or the Dunwoody City Parade.
Pool Hours for July
Monday- Thursday 12pm-9pm
Friday 12pm-10pm
Saturday 10am-9pm
Sunday 12pm-9pm
***Special Hours***
July 3rd 12pm-10pm
July 4th 10am-9pm
Friday Night Cookouts
Watch for a sign-up genius each week. No cook-out on 7/6.
Linda McJunkin is coordinating the cookouts. Please email Linda if you are interested in hosting or attending the Friday Night Cookouts.
Village Mill Military Bows
Thank you toJulian Black for heading up the Military Bows this year and collecting the wonderful stories included below. The 2013 Strawberry Festival proved to be a very exciting place to be for the active sales of the VM Military Bows. We sold 11 bows. Some of the ones that bought the bows had some interesting comments.
John Pleck: He got an Army Bow for his Dad who served in the US Army in WWI. This is in addition to a Navy bow he has for himself, an uncle and cousins. He also has a US Air Force Bow for his grandson.
Julie Weimer: One Army Bow for her late husband George Weimer and one Navy bow to honor John Steffes.
Andy May: One Navy Bow to honor his Father that was a pilot in WWII. An interesting note is that Andy is a pilot as well and he and his Father fly together regularly.
Bill Koss: One US Air Force Bow for his uncle that was killed flying F-4's in Vietnam.
Dave Trisko: One Army bow for his service in the Army.
Judy Hughes: One Navy Bow for her Dad. He served on the USS Lexington. This carrier now serves as a museum in Corpus Christi.
Eric Friedman: One Navy Bow for his Dad that served in the Navy aboard the USS Glennon, as well as Paula Friedman: One Army Bow honoring both her parents, both grandfathers and an uncle who all served in the Army. Her father served in Vietnam.
Jeremy Miller: This is a great military story. He got one Navy bow for his cousin Kandi Weeks. She went into the Navy back in the nineties. While there, she became a registered nurse and now works and lives in the St. Louis area. She is now married to another Navy veteran.
Dunwoody City Councilman Terry Nall: Note from Terry Nall: My father (deceased) served in the Air Force during the Korean conflict. All the Air Force pictures I have of him show him wearing a heavy parka with a hood, as he was stationed in Greenland. He was a radio operator. Additionally, Donna's father is a retired career Air Force enlistee. Donna is an official "Air Force Brat" who moved to a new city almost every year as a child. The purchase of the Air Force bow was to honor both of our dads and their Air Force service to our country. It will also serve as a reminder to me of our friends in Village Mill.
These Military Bows are in addition to the many bows that will be displayed on our mail boxes starting June 28th through July 5th.
We would like to thank all of you that are participating. We also would like to thank Susan West for making the military bows.
Another large crowd of information hungry ROMEOS was enlightened by an insightful presentation by Page Olson, Chief Of Staff to our distinguished State Representative, the Honorable Tom Taylor. Page gave us a rundown on key legislative issues from the recently concluded General Session and graciously entertained a general Q & A session. It was great meeting to say the least.
The ROMEOS are looking forward to Don Boyken, Chairman Of The Board, Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce, joining us at our Monday July 8th breakfast meeting. This will be a great time to learn more about the mission, activities, and projects of our Chamber as well as how the Chamber interacts and coordinates with our City and other organizations dedicated to the betterment of our great city. Please make plans to join us.
For additional ROMEO information please contact John Pleck, Chairman
Phone 770-396-6283
Tennis News
Deadlines for Fall team rosters are approaching:
Sunday Women July 8
Thursday Women July 10
Mens & Juniors July 11
- Players are needed for Women's Sunday and Thursday C-level teams. Contact Katie Moussouri if you are interested in a Sunday team or Kitty Turner if you are available to play on Thursdays.
- Players are needed for the Junior Girls 12 & Under team. Girls born between 2001 & 2006 are eligible to play. ContactApril Toms if you are interested.
Summer Camp Information
Spots are still available for TAA Summer Camps. Sessions with less than 6 kids registered as of Friday at 5 p.m. the week before the start of the camp are subject to cancellation. Go towww.tennisarukat.comto get more information and to sign up.
Thank You Takura!
To support the Strawberry Festival, Takura made several donations to the Silent Auction. The winners are:
1-Hour Private Lesson:
- Brad Diebold
- Andrea Hughes
- Laura Mixson
- Chrissy Tom
1 Spot at Summer Camp
- Monica Littlefield
- Sarah Smith
Contact Takura to schedule your private lesson or to reserve a spot for your child at summer camp.
Several beginner women ventured onto the courts thanks to free lessons from Takura.In June, Takura taught 4 beginner women's classes.The women had a lot of fun and ended the 5-week session with a tournament.It was a great way to meet members, get some exercise and learn the fundamentals of the game.
A message from Jen Simmons VMNA President
Strawberry Festival
I would like to thank our Strawberry Festival co-chairs for 2013, Erin Barrett and Sheila Greear. They did a superb job organizing a wonderful festival for all of us to enjoy. It was a gorgeous day and it's always so much fun to see the neighborhood come together. Sheila's and Erin's hard work is greatly appreciated, along with the efforts from all the volunteers. Thanks to all that supported our annual fundraiser, and thank-you Sheila and Erin! It was a big success and proceeds will go towards improving our neighborhood entrances.
We are putting together a committee to come up with designs for the entrances. As we all know, our current entrances have been repaired many times and in some cases are in very poor shape. The plan is for two or three designs to be displayed at next year's Strawberry Festival (2014) to be voted on. We will have a meeting in August to kick off this committee. Please contact Jen if you would like to participate and give input on our neighborhood's new entrances. Thank you!
A Message from the VMCI Board
A Big Thank You to...
Rocco Sinisgalli for managing the club entrance project. Our entrance is now free of huge dips and sink holes. Great work Rocco - the entrance looks terrific!
And how about those great looking concession stands?! Bruce Smith, Jim Bartholomew, Jeff Simmons, and Eric Friedman teamed up over 3 weekends to rebuild our concession stands. Thanks guys!
For anyone who has stepped inside the pool shed lately, you were no doubt surprised to see how clean and organized it has now become...it did not happen by magic. A big thanks to Kimi Lenertz for single-handedly taking on this HUGE task. Thank you Kimi, and to everyone else, please do your part to keep the shed clean and organized.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
- July 21 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm (Pool Pavilion)
- August 18 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm (Pool Pavilion)
- Annual General Meeting September 15 (Sunday) Time TBD (Pool Pavilion)
Neighborhood News
Congratulations to...
Tori Mulford, who graduated from St. Pius X High School and will attend The University of Georgia in the fall.
The Village Mill Swim Team for taking 3rd place in their division for the regular swim season and also for taking 3rd place at Divisionals on June 27th at Georgia Tech. Way to go Vipers!
The following Village Mill Viper swimmers who have advanced to the Atlanta Swim Association Championships at Georgia Tech on June 30th:
9th in 7-8 Medley Relay: Ryan Smith, Rocco Sinisgalli, Tim Hilligass, Will Hilligass
Brooks Lalley - 14th in 50 Free & 3rd in 50 Breast
Will Hillegass - 20th in 50 Free & 18th in 100 IM
Tim Hillegass - 1st alternate in 50 Free & 11th in 25 Fly
Colton McGrady - 10th in 50 Free & 16th in 100 IM
Ryan Smith - 20th in 25 Back & 30th in 25 Fly
Rocco Sinisgalli - 9th in 25 Breast
6th in 11-12 Free Relay: Taddie Tapp, Taylor Pierce, Caroline Gracey, Kaleigh McGrad
Claire Shaffner - 12th in 25 Free & 20th in 25 Back
Ansley Gavlak - 1st alternate in 25 Free & 21st in Fly
Kaleigh McGrady - 2nd in 50 Free & 2nd in 100 IM
Maddie Tapp - 18th in 100 Free & 15th in 50 Fly
Haley Pierce - 8th in 100 Free & 8th in 50 Fly
Lilly Tapp - 14th in 25 Breast & 1st alternate in 25 Fly
Welcome Bank Returning VMCI Members . . .
- Pat and Bill Doyle (1828 Olde Village Run)
- Phyllis and Paul Skiba (4955 Mill Stream Court)
- Jack Walsh (1896 Olde Village Run)
Welcome New VMCI Members . . .
- Jodi and Jim Fox, children Sean '01 and Noah '04 (5364 Oxford Chase Way)
- Suzanne and Patrick Williams, child Evelyn '08 (4882 Village Creek Drive)
- Nicole Du and Nadj Meftah (1867 Gramercy Court)
Next Newsletter
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com by July 26, 2013 for inclusion in the August issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.