Village Mill Neighborhood Association
January 2016 Newsletter
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" onfacebookfor updates
In lieu of a breakfast meeting in December, the ROMEOS AND JULIETS celebrated the Christmas season with our annual joint gala dinner December 6th at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia. From all accounts the 65 ROMEOS AND JULIETS in attendance had a wonderful evening celebrating the Christmas Season and wonderful fellowship as well as a great meal and service. Thanks to "Chaplain" Jim Hancock for his beautiful invocation.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the gifts the guests brought to Officer Andrew Thompson who accepted them on behalf of the Dunwoody Police Departments, "Christmas For Kids" outreach, assisted by Sgt. Sean Lenahan. More than 65 gifts were presented. Thanks to Judge McCully for heading up our one service project. Thanks to all THE ROMEOS AND JULIETS for your tremendous support.
Guess What? We are booked again at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia for our 2016 joint ROMEO/JULIET Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 4th. FYI AND PLANNING.
We will kick off our January 11th breakfast meeting with a bang. Always a ROMEO favorite, Chris Carr will join us a our guest speaker. Chris is Georgia's premier Commissioner Of Economic Development with many success stories on his watch. Chris is an Honorary Lifetime ROMEO and a ROMEO supporter and always a most welcome guest.
Don't miss this meeting and insights from Chris.
Coffee starts at 830 at J. Christopher's
We are looking for players for this spring's 12u girls' and 14u boys' ALTA teams. It's $10 per calendar year for ALTA dues. The matches will be played on Saturdays beginning at 1:30pm girls and 3:30pm boys. We will use Vermack's tennis courts. To play on the team your daughter can't turn 13 on or before May 31st and your son can not celebrate his 15th birthday on or before May 31st.
Please reply to Shari Wassell ( shariwassell@gmail.com; 404-403-9281) by Monday, January 11th if your child wants to play. I will need his/her ALTA number as well. If you have friends with daughters or sons that are looking for teams please refer them to Shari.
Neighborhood News
Thank you to...
The VMCI Social chairs for the holiday party.
June Trisko and Blythe Koss for the ladies holiday evening.
Congratulations to...
Pearl Sikes who recently celebrated her 92nd birthday.
Sympathy to...
The Bankston family on the death of Liz's mother.
Next VMCI meeting...
The January 2016 VMCI Board Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 10th at 7:30 pm at the home of Mike Kelley.
Georgie's Girls Book Club...
Wednesday, February 3rd
10:00 a.m. - Nancy Ballenger's home
7:30 p.m. - Kathy Seggerson's home
Book Selection:In the Kingdom of Ice
by Hampton Sides