Important Dates |
Romeo Meeting - October 13
VMCI Meeting - October 19
Other Book Club - October 30
Halloween - Oct 31
Fall Festival - Nov 1
Georgie's Girls - Nov 5
VMNA Ladies Holiday Event - TBD
VMCI Holiday Party - Dec 13
Join Our List |
VMCI Update |
At the annual meeting on September 14, 2014, the following members were elected to serve on the2015 VMCI Board of Directors.
President- Andy Smith
Vice President- Mike Kelley
Treasurer- vacant
Secretary- Tee Bridges
Membership - Jan Hamilton
Grounds- Joel Lorden
Tennis- Jennifer Maceyko
Pool - Liz Bankston/Sheila Greer (co-chairs)
Social - Julie Kolevsohn/vacant (co-chairs)
Webmaster - Bruce Smith
At Large - Julian Black
If you are interested in serving as Treasurer or co-chair for Social Chair for 2015, please contact Eric Friedman at
Upcoming VMCI Meetings
Sunday, October 19
Sunday, November 16
Sunday, December 14
VMCI Holiday Party - Saturday, December 13th. Details to Follow!

Our SEPTEMBER breakfast meeting featured LynnDeutsch, our District 2 At Large City Council Member. Lynn gave us a very informative and productive presentation which was greatly appreciated by all. This was our first meeting at J. Christopher's, our new venue after many years at our beloved and departed Old Hickory House.
Our guest speaker at ourOCTOBER 13breakfast meeting will beDunwoody'sown Nancy Jester who is running in what now looks like a very hotly contested race for our District 1 representative on The DekalbCounty Board Of Commissioners. We look forward to hearing her platform and ideas, and plans if elected. Please come and enjoy!
For more information, please contact John Pleck.
Halloween Costume Parade and Party |
Trick or Treat in Village Mill
Friday, October 31, 2014
5:30 p.m.
Village Mill Pool Parking Lot
Pizza and the Costume Parade is a tradition at Village Mill. Join us in the pool parking lot at 5:30. Trick or Treating will start after the parade.
Adults $4, Children $3 (10 and under)
Families are responsible for their own beverages. Volunteers to bring sides are always welcome, contact Tricia!
Please RSVP to Tricia Casey (, by Thursday, October 30. Please make checks payable to VMNA.
Your check is your RSVP. Please include the number of adults and children. You can bring your money to the pool on Halloween.
Halloween Ghost Patrol Needs You! |
Please help keep our trick-or-treators safe!
Every year we count on the fabulous ghost patrol volunteers to help keep our streets safe for kids and parents who are out after dark. Each Halloween we use 35 (or more) volunteers to safeguard Village Mill's streets. And we need your help to keep this tradition alive!!
Volunteers take 1-1/2 hour shifts (from 6:15pm-7:30pm or 7:30 pm-9:00pm). One volunteer is stationed for every 10-12 houses. They wear reflective vests, carry flashlights, and keep trick-or-treating safe and fun for everyone. At 8:30pm they let trick-or-treaters know the time so they can be home before Ghost Patrol retires for the night. Many families will be turning off their porch lights at 8:30pm, so please remind your children not to ring the doorbell if the lights are off.
Please consider helping this year.Halloween on Friday night is always busy and we need lots of volunteers! If you're available on Friday, October 31st, please call or email Tricia Casey at 770-395-1235 to volunteer for either shift. Happy Halloween!!
Fall Festival Returns! |
Join Village Mill for our Fall Festival and Hayride
Saturday, November 1st
3:00 -8:00
$10 per person
$35 per family of 4 or more
Kids under 3 free
We are looking forward to a fun weekend of fall events with Halloween and the Fall Festival.
Join us for our annual hayride, football viewing and fall fun event. We will have TVs showing all the big games, jumpies for the kids, hayrides, dinner and smores. Starting in the afternoon and continuing until dark.
We have lots of great activities, including:
- Two Jumpies will open at 3pm. One will be designated for ages 5 and under. Please make sure to watch your own kids! We will not have a jumpy watch patrol.
- FOOTBALL! Georgia-Florida kicks-off at 3:30pm. We will have several tv's for watching multiple games.
- Hayrides leaving from the club entrance.
- Food will be served around 5:30pm
- Firepits for post-game smores
The food will follow the Friday Family Dinner model. VMNA will provide the main course and we are asking you to bring sides.We are making chicken and brats for the adults, and hot dogs for the kids. Water and Lemonade will be provided, all other beverages are BYOB.
To RSVP and sign up for side dishes, please use the sign up genius:
Questions? Contact Cathy Tapp or Katie Frame
Tennis Update |
We are pleased to welcome back Jennifer Maceyko as Tennis Chair for 2015.
Oct. 23 is the deadline for Winter Mixed Doubles Rosters. Play begins Jan. 4, 2015.Please be sure to let the tennis chair know your team's schedule.
Go to to make court reservations. There is a 15-minute grace period rule. If a court is not in use after 15 minutes from the start of the reservation, the reservation will be canceled and the court is available for play.
Be good stewards of our facilities and considerate of other members. Don't leave your trash for someone else to pick up. If you see an overflowing trash can, please empty it.
Book Club News |
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, November 5
7:00 p.m. - Yvonne Henselin's
A Room with a View by E.M. Forster
Other Book Club
Thursday, October 30
7:30 pm - Lisa Kelley
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Senior Membership and Resignation Deadlines
Senior Membership Applications due 11/30
Senior memberships for VMCI are available if you meet the following criteria:
- You will be age 65 or older on or before January 1, 2015 (only one spouse need be 65+ to qualify)
- There are no persons below the age of 21 living at the senior member's home
You must complete the Senior Membership application to Jan Hamilton (Membership) by November 30 of the current year to attain Senior Member status effective for the following year.Go to to fill out a senior membership and see the details.
Current senior members do not need to reapply.
VMCI Resignation Deadlines
Anyone resigning their VMCI Membership for 2015 will need to give notice to our membership chairman, Jan Hamilton orto the treasurer ( by Jan. 1, 2015.
Resignations after January 1, will result in a prorated bond refund.
VMNA 2015 Officers |
Please Join the 2015 Board
A big thank you to everyone who has been part of our 2014 VMNA board. As we start to prepare for 2015, please consider taking on a position with VMNA. Contact Terri Gouldman for information about the jobs. We will be looking for officers to serve from January to December next year.
Neighborhood News
Congratulations to....
Libba and Tom Drewicz on the birth of their granddaughter, Frances Eleanor Drewicz Ewing, onJuly 26.The proud parents are Laura Drewicz Ewing and Brad Ewing of Greensboro, NC.
Stephanie (Ethridge) and David Rodriguez who were married over Labor Day weekend in Healdsburg,CA (Sonoma-wine country).
Pearl Sikes, a member of the American Rosie the Riveter Assn. Her name was recently added to the Honor Roll plaque at Yankee Air Museum in Ypsilanti, Michigan.She was honored for her work during WWII as a typist at the Bell Bomber Plant in Marietta, Ga. where B29 bombers were manufactured. Pearl is the widow of long time Village Mill resident Col. Arthur Sikes who served our nation in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Sympathy to...
The Kester Family on the death of Kathleen Payne, on September 15, 2014.
Please email the newsletter editors at with news and updates.