Village Mill Neighborhood Association
May 2014
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" on facebook for updates
Cinco de Mayo Party
Join us for a Cinco de Mayo party on Friday, May 2nd at 7pm at the pool parking lot. Enjoy dinner and drinks at this adult only party. Cost is $15 per person. Please RSVP to Wendy Puckett. It is fine to pay at the party, but please RSVP so we have an accurate head count for food and drinks. We look forward to seeing everyone.
VMCI Workday Saturday May 3rd
Meet in the pool parking lot at 9 am. We'll have coffee, soft drinks and donuts in the morning and pizza at noon to keep everyone energized while sprucing up the grounds of Village Mill. Bring shovels, rakes and wheelbarrows if you have them available.
Strawberry Festival
Strawberry Festival is Coming!
Please consider volunteering for this fun neighborhood event! We need the support of our whole community in order to make Strawberry Festival the fun and successful event it has always been. We especially need volunteers to chair the Food Sales (2 people), Bake Sale, and Kids' Art areas, in addition to other volunteer opportunities. Please contact Erin or Shelia with any questions.
**Strawberry Festival will be canceled by the end of next week if we don't have enough volunteers.**
Swim Team News
Welcome to the 2014 Village Mill Viper Swim Team!
If you missed registration, you can still register for swim team. Forms are available from Katie Frame at 1935 Olde Village Run. There is a plastic container next to the garage door where you can get the paperwork and return it with a check made payable to VMCI.
ASA registration
Don't forget to complete ASA registration for swimmers by visiting atlantaswimming.com and clicking on the online registration link. If your swimmer is returning, you can use your username and password from last season's registration to access your account information and register for this season. **This is separate from our team registration and must be completed in order for your child to be entered into a meet. Junior swim team members do not need to register here, it is only for swimmers participating in meets.**
Junior Swim Team
Junior swim team will use the same format as last season. We ask that all participants have some swim experience and jr. swim will be used as a progression of swim skills and a prep for our regular swim team. If you would like your children to learn how to swim, they are more than welcome to contact Cheri for private lessons and she will have a schedule outside of swim team to accommodate any lesson desires.
Practice dates/times
**subject to change**
Monday, May 12th - Friday, May 23rd afternoons: (JUNIORS DO NOT START UNTIL MAY 27)
6 and under 4:30 - 5:00
7/8 5:00 - 5:30
9/10 5:30 - 6:00
11 and up 6:00 - 6:30
Morning practices - beginning Tuesday, May 27th ****NO PRACTICE MEMORIAL DAY*****
9:00 - 9:30 6 and under
9:30 - 10:00 7/8
10:00 -10:45 9/10
10:45 - 11:30 11 and up
11:30 - 12:00 Juniors
Afternoon: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting after Memorial Day
3:30 - 4:00 6 and under, 7/8
4:00 - 4:45 9 and up
Swim Meets
Meets will be Tuesday nights. The Meet Schedules are still being worked on and we are trying to determine whether or not to reschedule the meet on May 27th.
Divisional meet: Thursday morning June 26th
Championship meet: Sunday June 29th
End of season party: Thursday June 26th (after divisional meet at GA Tech that morning)
Thank you to Jen Simmons and Kristy Whitener for a Festive and Fun Easter Egg Hunt. We appreciate their hard work with planning, setting up and stuffing eggs.
Committee heads - all receipts for reimbursement are to turned in within 60 days of completion of the event, or we will not be able to reimburse you. Also, please be considerate and forward checks being collected if you are a committee head so that the checks may be deposited. Too many checks have been held by committee heads in the past and not clearing VMNA member accounts in a timely manner.
VMNA Dues 
Please pay your VMNA dues if you have not done so. They are $35.00 and may be mailed to Sheila Greear. Her address is 4863 Village Creek Drive. Thank you!
Welcome New VMCI Members . . .
- Jenny and Sean Spaulding - Kelly and Oliver
- Matt and Gabrielle Russell- Beatrice, Sarah, Patrick, and Thomas
- Amy and Ryan Riordan- Jack and Allie
- David Goodchild- David and Judy
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
- May 18th (Sunday) @ 7:30pm (Pool Pavilion)
- June 22nd (Sunday) @ 7:30pm (Pool Pavilion)
- July 13th (Sunday) @ 7:30pm (Pool Pavilion)
Our ROMEO April breakfast meeting featured a captivating presentation and dialogue with David Perdue, Republican Candidate in the upcoming U.S. Senate Primary. He outlined in a very straight forward manner his reasons for running and plan of action if elected. We left the meeting as a better informed citizenry, knowing the huge importance of the election to fill Senator Chambliss' seat. We thank you again David.
As a bonus we also heard from Lifetime Honorary ROMEOS Senator Fran Millar and Representative Tom Taylor.
Our guest speaker for our May meeting will be our Dekalb County Sheriff Jeff Mann who is running for a full term as our Sheriff in the upcoming primary. We look forward to hearing from Jeff with his vision and plans for our Sheriff's Department going forward. The outcome of the Sheriff's race is very important to Dekalb County. This also promises to be a great meeting worthy of another large turnout.
Note Please: This will confirm that the arrangements for our Annual ROMEO/JULIET Christmas Party have been finalized for Sunday December 7, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia beginning at 6:00 pm.
4th of July Veterans Bows Honor Our Veterans
The time is approaching for you to honor family members who have served or are now serving in the military. Bows should be displayed on mailboxes from June 28th through July 5th. This has been a Village Mill tradition for many years.
Take a moment and reflect on who you would like to honor if you yourself have not served. A grandfather who served in World War II? An uncle who was drafted after graduation from high school? A great aunt who served as a nurse in Korea? If you wish to honor more than one person, two bows will fit on most mailboxes.
The Veterans Bows are $5 and color coded by branch of service: Green for Army, red for Marine Corps, dark blue for Navy or Coast Guard and light blue for Air Force. All bows contain yellow ribbon, the international color for peace.
There will be a booth set up to sell Veterans Bows at the Strawberry Festival on May 31st from 10am-1pm.You can also contact Julian Black at 770-396-5997 to order your bows early.
Village Mill Military Bow History:
Our long time neighbor, Bob Keesee, started and managed this program for a number of years. Bob passed away in 2011 and Julian Black accepted the honor to continue this tradition. Our neighbor, Susan West, has been the expert Veterans Bow maker for a number of years. Thanks to Susan for her nice work.
Fresh Food Co-op in Village Mill
Interested in getting fresh, local produce delivered to your door? April Toms is starting a Village Mill Co-op to with Nature's Garden Express. With 4 or more orders, Village Mill can start to enjoy the benefits of easy access to nutritious and affordable food. Sustainably raised meats, farm fresh dairy and local fruits and vegetables are available. Prices are reduced as more people sign up. Look for "Village Mill Co-op" on the website. Use coupon code 463f4 for $10 off your first order.
Contact April Toms if you are interested in learning more about the Village Mill co-op. Deliveries are made to just ONE local address.
Water Aerobics News
Ladies AND Gentlemen,
Our season begins on Monday June 2nd this year. We will meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30- 8:30am (weather permitting). Please make out your checks ($100. VMCI senior members, $50 VMCI full members) to Kathy Seggerson (1911 Olde Village Run).
Everyone...men AND women are welcome. Come try out a few classes for $5 per visit.
See you at the pool.
Kathy Seggerson
Neighborhood News
Sympathy to Bill Doyle and family on the death of Pat.
Congratulations to the class of 2014...
Please email your graduate's information to be included in the next newsletter.
Next Newsletter
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com by May 26, 2014 for inclusion in the June issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.