March 2015 Newsletter
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" on facebook for updates
Please Pay VMCI and VMNA dues ASAP!
Swim team is right around the corner! The Swim Team Reps this year are  Courtney Lamb and Susan Carter. We are all looking forward to a great season. If you have questions about swim team, contact them at swimteam@villagemill.org.
Registration will be on Sunday, March 15th from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Be sure to pay ASA fees online directly to Atlanta Swimming Association. See below for details, prices go up on April 1.
ASA League registration can be completed by visiting www.atlantaswimming.com and clicking on the online registration link. Fees for 2014 will be $24 per swimmer, this includes the ASA fee of $22.50 and a $1.50 service charge to cover the costs of our online system. Please be sure to register prior to April 1 to avoid late fees for registration.
Come celebrate spring with an egg hunt and the big bunny!
Tuesday, March 31st at 4pm at the playground/pool parking lot.
For each child that is participating, please donate 1 dozen stuffed, plastic eggs to the Abram's house (4782 Olde Village Lane) by March 29th. If possible, please stuff eggs with items that don't melt easily in the sun (no chocolate).
Rain-out date is Wednesday, April 1st at 4pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
At our February meeting The ROMEOs rolled out a warm welcome to fellow ROMEO, Art Simon, who made an awesome presentation as he unveiled and unfolded one of Dunwoody's best kept secrets, The Dunwoody Community Garden, where he presides. We were amazed at the breadth and scope and involvement in our Dunwoody Community Garden. Several ROMEOs signed up to share and become involved in Art's passion for the garden. It was a super well attended meeting with an improved seating arrangement. Thanks again Art!
Our March meeting will be Monday, March 9th at J. Christopher's in Dunwoody Village. Our speaker is TBD and is a work in progress. Please watch for meeting email notices for details.
Juliets will meet on March 14, 2015 at 12 noon at AAC Troon Grill. For more information or for a ride, contact Nancy Huey at 770-396-7036.
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, April 1st
10:00 a.m. - Nina Carlson's
7:30 p.m. - Mary Jo Olthoff's
Book Selection: Five Quarters of the Orange by JoAnne Harris
Please pay 2015 VMNA dues, $35 by March 1st. Drop off at 4863 Village Creek Drive, there is a box outside the front door.
2015 Membership Dues
The 2015 Membership Dues Notice was sent via email to all Village Mill Members the first week of February. 2015 Membership Dues received after March 10th are considered past due and will incur a $60.00 late fee. Please direct any questions to secretary@villagemill.org.
***If you will not be rejoining the club please let Jan Hamilton know ASAP to be able to receive your $250 bond. Those waiting past
March 1st to notify the club of their resignation will only receive a partial repayment of their bond, based upon the date they notify the club.
Sunday, March 29th @ 7:30 @ the home of Mike Kelley
Village Mill Members, please use the Village Mill website to reserve tennis courts, check on updated news about Village Mill Club, Pool hours, and Village Mill Swim team.
Every member has the ability to log on and UPDATE THEIR CONTACT INFORMATION. If you have forgotten your log in information, you will see instructions on how to retrieve it.
Saturday, May 2nd, Village Mill Spring Workday. Please come out and help spruce up the club grounds. More details to come.
Welcome New VMCI Members
Laura and Ty Alexander, Thomas 2014
Tricia and Jason Webster, Cora 2006
Matt and Lauren Acuff, Summer 2014
Andrew and Weslyn Bezila, Lawson 2013
Jess and Ori Epstein, Peri 2013
Jared and Suzanne Abram, James Daniel 2014
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com
by March 27, 2015 for inclusion in the April issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.