Happy Holidays!
Warmest Wishes for a wonderful holiday from your Village Mill newsletter editors.
December 2015 Newsletter
VMNA Holiday Open House
Every year, the Village Mill Neighborhood Association (VMNA) ladies get together to celebrate the holiday season our annual Holiday Open House.
VMNA Holiday Open House
At the home of June Trisko
1945 Village Creek Court
Wednesday, December 16th, 2015
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
All VMNA members who have paid their 2015 dues will receive an evite invitation by Friday, December 4th. Please RSVP to the evite invitation and use the attached signupgenius to bring a food item.
2015 VMNA Holiday Open House Food Sign Up
If you would like to attend and haven't paid your 2015 dues of $35, please send a check to Sheila Greear at 4863 Village Creek Drive.
*If your email is not in the 2015 directory, please email Julie Smith at jmsmith97@bellsouth.net so that you will receive an evite for this festive event.
The theme for our NOVEMBER breakfast was a Veterans Day Celebration which was embraced and supported by a large patriotic ROMEO group. We were honored and privileged to have Mr. Paul Crawford with us. Mr. Crawford shared his incredible experience as a World War II Flying Tigers fighter pilot which included being shot down over Japanese occupied China--and his miraculous return to safety. To top it off, he shared his amazing trip back to China this year arranged by the Chinese Government along with his surviving comrades to be honored and thanked for their service on behalf of the Chinese. Paul graciously shared the many priceless gifts of appreciation he brought back with him. Our thanks to Julian Black for coordinating the meeting. FYI, Paul was featured in the Living Section of the November 11 Veterans Day AJC thanks to Jack Miller.
As an added bonus, Brigadier Marine General (Ret) and Mayor Elect, Denny Shortal, also joined us---joining Paul also as a decorated fighter pilot. This was a meeting we will remember and treasure for a long time.
Our DECEMBER event will be our GALA Annual ROMEO/JULIET Christmas Dinner, Sunday. December 6 in The Maplewood Room of the Crowne Plaza Ravinia (same place as last year). We have confirmed reservations for 64 to date. Schedule...Reception from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM...Dinner at 7:00 PM. At 6:40 PM will present our gifts to The Dunwoody Police Department Representative supporting the DPD "Christmas For Kids" beautiful outreach. We are asked to bring an unwrapped gift for child aged 15 and under or non-perishable food items or canned goods. Thanks for your incredible support.
We will not have a December breakfast meeting as we directing our full focus on our dinner.
VMCI Holiday Party 
Join us in celebrating the holiday season.This year, we will be gathering at Dunwoody Tavern.
Saturday, December 12th
Dunwoody Tavern
7:00 pm
$15 per person
Includes heavy appetizers and 2 drink tickets per person.
Please drop your check off at the home of Julie Kolevsohn.Your check is your RSVP.4644 Village Court (located in Village Mill 1).
VMCI Membership Update 
Membership Chairman- Jan Hamilton@bellsouth.net
VMCI members, if you will not renew your membership for 2016 please
contact Jan Hamilton know by Jan 1st, to get your bond back.
If someone in your household turned 65 BEFORE Jan 1, 2016,you are eligible for a Senior membership in 2016, however you must contact Janby the end of 2015, and fill out an application.
Members, please be on the lookout for a dues paymentemail the first of February. Dues again will be $550.We anticipate a waiting list this year.
Neighborhood News 
Our Sympathies
Mike and Julie Smith, Kayla and Jake on the death of Julie's mother.
Libba and Tom Drewicz and thier family on the death of Libba's brother,Paul C. Atwater, MD of Sandy Springs, GA. He died on September 30, 2015.
Kurt and Nancy Knorr on the birth of their granddaughter.
Welcome New Members
Jennie and Nicholas Isaac,they will be living in the New Heritage Neighborhood
Terry and Shanna Tolbert
Ireland '15
Tennille and Scott Biggers, Clara and Hadley as they relocate to Florida