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VMCI Update |
Sunday, June 22, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion Sunday, July 13, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion Sunday, August 17, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion
Sunday, September 14, 6:00 pm @ Pool Pavilion
A big THANK YOU to Joel Lorden for organizing the VMCI Spring Workday and to the following families for volunteering time, tools and materials:
Eanes, Lorden, Bartholomew, Friedman, Smith (M), Casey, Bridges, Miller, Heidbreder (J), Slifer, Greear, Hamilton, Boli, Smith (A), Smith (B), Pleck, Toms, Littlefield, Pierce, Moussouri and Weimer.
Celebrate the 4th of July with Village Mill |
Parade and Party on the 4th
We are gearing up for the annual 4th of July event! RSVP now to attend the Village Mill Pool Party this 4th of July! We will have lunch, a DJ and pool games.
Village Mill Parade
12:00 p.m.
The annual Village Mill Parade will kick off the event. Starting at the top of Olde Village Run and heading all the way to the pool, this fun bike, walk, scooter parade is a Village Mill tradition. Look for Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty to lead the way.Questions? Contact Janey Hoag.
Games and Lunch at the Pool
12:30 p.m.
DJ, Swimming, and Dancing...come hang out at the pool and enjoy!It is a great way to cool off after a long day at the Peachtree Road Race or the Dunwoody City Parade.
(Food, Dessert, Drinks and Entertainment included. Lemonade, Tea, water, and a keg will be provided.)
Please rsvp to Kimi Lenertzby Monday, June 30.
Strawberry Festival A Big Success
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make the Strawberry Festival such a huge success! It couldn't have happened without each and every one of you! It is so wonderful to see the community come together for Village Mill's annual tradition, and it's alwaysnice to meet new faces and visit with old! Erin and Sheila want to especially thank the chair heads of the festival:
Lynne Perry
Anne Weber
Sarah Smith
April Toms |
Jennifer Morris
Gene Schuh
Julian Black
Kimi Lenertz |
Also, for all that loaned us their time, tables and tents:
Denise Pruitt
Bill and Liz Alexander
Dave and Katie Frame
Nancy and Rick Wamsley
Bruce and Hydi Kalmin
Kimi Lenertz
Jim Bartholomew
Tricia Casey
Steve and Courtney Santora
Eric Friedman
Jen and Jeff Simmons
John Pleck
Chrissy Miller
Mary Keesee
The Perry Family
Larry and Anne Weber
Carol Martin
Jean DeVeer
The Hehir Family
Julie and Mike Smith
Pat Miller
Joe Hirsch
Sue Jones
Louise Greene
Joan and Julian Black
Sue Hall
Katie Gouldman
Terri Gouldman
Kirsten Beard
Kim Sergent
Brian and April Toms
Bruce and Sarah Smith
Steve Pfister
and John Allen for being our Raffle emcee.
Thank you to all of the children of Village Mill who were a part of the "Kids Market", we had a record number of entries this year!
Autumn Toms
Sydney Toms
Lindsay Friedman
Shira Kopel
Ryan Smith
Kate Smith
Grace Littlefield
Caroline Perry
Katie Perry |
Bailey Toms
Blake Boettcher
Bo Boettcher
Kirsten Beard
Mac Bankston
Eden Hirsch
Nicholas Frame
Kayla Smith
Harrison Ford
Thank you to all the generous families of Village Mill. We truly appreciate all the donations for the kids and adult raffle along with the silent auction.
The Tapp Family
The Eanes Family
The Kalmin Family
The Pruitt Family
Bette Martell
Jean Kester
Julian and Joan Black
Pat Miller
The Schuh Family
The Simmons Family
The Gouldman Family
The Barrett-Allen Family
Jim and Sheila Bartholomew
The Friedman Family
Steve Pfister
The Wamsley Family
The Frame Family
The Mike Smith Family
Blythe Koss
June Trisko
Jean and Jack DeVeer
Nori Riley
Michelle Doughtie - Schilling and Co. Interior Design
Ellen Itaaliander - Elevate yourself
Susie Rabin
The Cole Family
Caroline Perry
Thank you to anyone whose name we may have neglected to include here.It takes a lot of volunteers to pull off an event like this and we appreciate all of you.
We also want to recognize the great businesses around Dunwoody that contributed this year. Pleasesupport them as many of them donate to us each year.
Arukat Tennis Academy
Dunwoody Bakery
Dunwoody Community Garden
Fitness Together
Jump Start Gym
Pure Barre
Bruster's Ice Cream
Jet's Pizza
Milano Pizza
Purple Hippo
Yogli Mogli
Hickory House
Café at Pharr
Farm Burger
Mojo Burrito
Southern Threads
The Pet Resorts
Village Burger
Workout Anytime
And, Congratulatins to the Toms Family for winning the 50/50 pot! The pot total was $118 - split evenly between the winners and Village Mill.

We were pleased to hear from Dekalb County Sheriff Jeff Mann at our MAY breakfast meeting. Sheriff Mann opened our eyes as to the breadth, scope and importance of the Sheriff Departments vast operation as well as their programs and responsibilities. Not many of us knew that our Dekalb County Sheriff's Department earned the coveted Triple Crown Accreditation Award (38 Departments out of 3000). Great job Sheriff and our thanks.
Our meeting was "spiced up" with an unplanned visit from Representative Jack Kingston which made it a 2 for 1 event for the nice ROMEO group attending.
We will have a change of pace at our JUNE 9 meeting as the result of suggestions from THE ROMEOS. We will not have a speaker, but rather opted for a plain, old fellowship gathering which we hope everyone is looking forward to. We would like to hear from those attending with suggestions/requests for speakers at our meetings for July through November as we have purposely left the calendar open. Please come and be heard.
NOTE: Please save Sunday December 7, 2014 for our joint ROMEO/JULIET Annual Christmas Dinner beginning at 600 PM tied in with our support for the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For Kids" program.
Juliets News |
Juliets will meet again June 21,2014 at The Atlanta Athletic Club. Please bring a check. You will get a tab for your own meal. Parking is free. We enjoy seeing you and hearing about your families.
No reservation needed. We can be seated at 12:00 noon. See you the 21st. Go to your calendar and reserve Dec 7,2014 for our dinner with Romeos!
For info or 770-396-7036
Tennis Update |
Congrats to all the Village Mill ALTA Teams
5 Village Mill ALTA teams made it to playoffs!
4 teams made it to City Finals!
The Thursday B-3 Women's won at City Finals and are City Champions!
Congratulations to all teams on a great season!
City Champions Thursday B-3 Women, Barbara Douglass, captain
City Finalists Sunday A-8 Women, Lynn Kester, captain
City Finalists 14&U Junior Girls, Kitty Turner, captain
City Finalists 18&U Junior Boys, Katie Moussouri, captain
Division Winner Sunday A-1 Women, Jennifer Maceyko, captain
4th of July Bows |
A Village Mill Tradition
4th of July Veterans Bows
The time is approaching for you to honor family members who have served or are now serving in the military. Bows should be displayed on mailboxes from June 28th through July 5th. This has been a Village Mill tradition for many years.
Take a moment and reflect on who you would like to honor if you yourself have not served. A grandfather who served in World War II? An uncle who was drafted after graduation from high school? A great aunt who served as a nurse in Korea? If you wish to honor more than one person, two bows will fit on most mailboxes.
The Veterans Bows are $5 and color coded by branch of service: Green for Army, red for Marine Corps, dark blue for Navy or Coast Guard and light blue for Air Force. All bows contain yellow ribbon, the international color for peace.
You can contact Julian Black at 770-396-5997 to order your bows.
Village Mill Military Bow History: Our long time neighbor, Bob Keesee, started and managed this program for a number of years. Bob passed away in 2011 and Julian Black accepted the honor to continue this tradition. Our neighbor, Susan West, has been the expert Veterans Bow maker for a number of years. Thanks to Susan for her nice work.
Swim Team |
The Vipers are Off to a Great Start!
We are having a lot of fun this summer and our swimmers are doing well.Practice times and meet schedules are list below.
Practice dates/times
Morning practices
9:00 - 9:30 6 and under
9:30 - 10:00 7/8
10:00 -10:45 9/10
10:45 - 11:30 11 and up
11:30 - 12:00 Juniors
Afternoon: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting after Memorial Day
3:30 - 4:00 6 and under, 7/8
4:00 - 4:45 9 and up
Swim Meets
The pool will close at 3:00 on home meet nights to get the pool ready. Swim Meets begin at 5:30.
Meets will be Tuesday nights.
6/3 - Home against Dunwoody North
6/10 - Home against Kingsley
6/17 - Home against Mill Glen
6/24 - @ the Branches
GA Tech Divisional Meet
Divisional meet: Thursday morning June 26th
Championship meet: Sunday June 29th
End of season party:Friday, June 27
If you have any questions, please email
Fresh Food Co-op in Village Mill |
Interested in getting fresh, local produce delivered to your door? April Toms is starting a Village Mill Co-op to with Nature's Garden Express. With 4 or more orders, Village Mill can start to enjoy thebenefitsof easy access to nutritious and affordable food. Sustainably raised meats, farm fresh dairy and local fruits and vegetables are available. Prices are reduced as more people sign up.
Contact April Toms if you are interested in learning more about the Village Mill co-op.Deliveries are made to just ONE local address.April has a coupon code for $10 off your first delivery if you want to try it.
Neighborhood News
Congratulations to....
Our Village Mill 2014 Graduates
Robert Hehir from the University of South Carolina business school with a double major in Global Supply Chain Management and Economics, w/ a minor in Spanish.
Johnathan Langley fromDunwoody High Schooland attending Georgia Institute of Technology
Caroline Harvey from St. Pius X Catholic High School and attending the Georgia Institute of Technology
George Heidbreder is graduating from DHS and will study engineering at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio
Megan Hall graduated from Indiana University
Hayley Hughes - graduating summa cum laude from Samford University, Birmingham, AL
Ashley Hughes from Wesleyan School attending Clemson University
Emily Eanes graduating from St. Pius Catholic High School and attending Clemson University
Cullen Jones from Dunwoody High School and attending University of Maryland
Issac Italiaander from the Weber School
Clare Gordonfrom Dunwoody High School and attending the University of GA
Kyle Smith from Dunwoody High School and attending Florida State University
Sydney Cash from Dunwoody School of the Arts and attending Queens University in Charlotte, NC
Rebecca Friedman from Dunwoody High School and attending the University of GA
Thank you to...
Erin Barrett and Sheila Greer for making Strawberry Festival a wonderful event.
Julie and Mike Smith and Monica and Jim Littlefield for making the Beach Party a huge success.
Welcome to New VMCI Members
Kimberly and Todd Trego- (Oliver and Miller)
Cassie and John Kerr (Whit)
Carrie and James Mc Dowell- (James)
Stephanie and Matt Vyverberg- (Luke, Anna)
Lauren and Lou Kerkhoff (Grant)
Stacy and Alex Brown (Kelsey and Lainey)
Sympathy to Andrea Hirsch and her family on the death of her father.