Village Mill Neighborhood Association
September 2013 Newsletter
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" on facebook for updates
Ladies Fall Luncheon
When: September 18, 2013, 11:30 a.m.
Where: Village Mill Pool Pavilion
Who: All members of VMNA
Cost: $5/per person
Join all your friends and neighbors for some good food and good visiting on September 18. Please make your reservation via e-mail to Gene Schuh, or call 770.396.6594 so we'll know how much food to prepare. If you're not a member of VMNA yet, this is a good opportunity to pay your dues in order to receive your invitation to the Christmas Open House. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
THE ROMEOS enjoyed another wonderful well attended breakfast meeting in August at which Mrs. Stacey Harris, President of The Dunwoody Homeowners Association spoke to us. We were enlightened on the many activities and sponsored events The Dunwoody Homeowners Association is involved in. We expressed our appreciation for the great work DHA does, not the least of which is their advocacy on our behalf on zoning issues. Thanks again Stacey.
Our SEPTEMBER meeting will be Monday, September 9 at the Hickory House. We are pleased that our guest speaker will be Mr. Jim Riticher who is running for OUR District 2 Dunwoody City Council seat. This should be a most interesting meeting as Mr. Riticher shares his ideas and vision for Dunwoody going forward with a focus on District 2.
Come one, come all!
For additional ROMEO information, please contact John Pleck, Chairman
Phone 770-396-6283
Please plan to attend lunch Sept 21, 2013 at AAC 11:45 am in The Troon Grill.
You do not need reservations. Pay with a check to Nancy Huey after you have ordered. Contact Nancy Huey 770-396-7036 for information.
Save the date: December 1st for our Christmas dinner.
Messages from the VMCI Board...
Annual Meeting - Sunday, September 22nd at 5:30pm
VMCI's Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd @ 5:30pm at the pool pavilion. For those that have not attended an annual meeting, we will give a brief update on the health of the club, discuss major projects completed and planned for the year, and vote on the board members for 2014. We had an incredible turnout last year and we are hoping for another strong turnout this year!
Profile Updates on VMCI Neighborhood Website
The 2013 VMCI Annual Meeting will be the first annual meeting to "go green." We will be sending out the meeting notice and agenda electronically rather than by US Mail. Please take time to log in and register on the VMCI website if you have not previously registered on the site. If you have registered, please take time to confirm and update your e-mail address included in your member profile on the website. The following link will take you to the member log-in page:
E-mail meeting notifications will be distributed in early September.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
- September 22 (Sunday) @ 5:30pm (Pool Pavilion) - VMCI Annual Membership Meeting
- October 20 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Jen and Jeff Simmons
- November 17 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Andy and Kathy Smith
- December 15 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Eric and Paula Friedman
The Other Book Club
The Other Book Club will be meeting at Lisa Kelly's house on Tuesday, Septmeber 24th at 7:30pm. The book selection will be emailed ASAP.
Please email Hydi Kalmin if you would like to be added to the Evite list.
Neighborhood News:
Thank you to...
Nancy Wamsley and Kristy Whitener for doing a wonderful job planning the Kindergarten Roundup. There was a great turnout for this fun event. We hope everyone has a great school year!
Wendy Puckett and Julie Cole for hosting the VMCI Band Party featuring Blind Crush.
Linda McJunkin for managing the Friday Night Cookouts all summer.
Carol Mulford and Kristy Pierce for hosting another great World Vision fundraiser. Thank you to everyone for your long time support of this charity.
Get Well Wishes to...
Jennifer Maceyko on a recent hospitalization
Sympathy to...
Tom Ray's family (long time Village Mill resident) on his death last month. A memorial service is set for Sunday, September 29, 2013, at 2 pm, at Park Springs where Jean, who passed away in February 2013, and Tom had lived for the past few years.
**Please check the lost and found at the pool ASAP for any items you are missing. All items remaining as of September 15th will either be donated to charity or thrown away.**
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to by September 27, 2013 for inclusion in the October issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.