Village Mill Neighborhood Association
January 2014
VMNA Updates
Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We had lots of great holiday events in Village Mill, beginning with the Ladies Open House at Julie Smith's home. A big thank you to Ginger McLaughlin for organizing this special annual event and to Lisa Kelley for helping her. Many thanks to Julie and Mike Smith for hosting this event! I would also like to thank everyone that volunteered their time to VMNA this year to support our neighborhood and make sure we had fun events planned.
As the new year begins, my term as VMNA President is ending. I will be rolling off, as will Julie Smith who is Treasurer. That means all the VMNA officer positions need to be filled. If you haven't served as an officer, or it has been awhile since you last served, please consider volunteering your time. The events throughout the year are covered at this time, but VMNA needs the officer positions to be filled to oversee these events. Please contact me if you have further questions. Thank you for considering!
Best wishes for 2014!
Jen Simmons
VMCI Updates
2014 Membership Dues
Be on the lookout (via e-mail) the first week in February for a VMCI Update Letter from your VMCI President, Eric Friedman, along with the annual VMCI Dues Notice which will be due March 1st. Consistent with 2013, dues notices are arriving in February to enable the Board to determine available openings for new memberships in advance of Swim Team registration.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings:
January 12, Sunday, 7:30pm - Home of Eric and Paula Friedman
February 9, Sunday, 7:30pm - Home of Tee and Kris Bridges
March 9, Sunday, 7:30pm - Home of Jeff and Jen Simmons
The ROMEOS and JULIETS celebrated Christmas in grand style with our first ever joint Annual Christmas Dinner December 1st at The Crowne Plaza Ravinia with 52 in attendance. A wonderful time was had by all with many friendships renewed. Sgt. Fidel Espinoza accepted the many gifts donated in support of the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For Kids" program which we proudly support. We submitted a picture of the presentation to The Crier. Please save Sunday December 7, 2014 for next year's dinner.
Our January meeting will be Monday, January 13th at the Hickory House. The ever popular Lifetime Honorary ROMEO Chris Carr will be our honored speaker in his new role as Governor Deal's appointee to the very important position as Commissioner Of The Georgia Department of Economic Development. The ROMEOs remember Chris from his role as Senator Johnny Isakson's Chief of Staff. This promises to be a fabulous meeting.
We look forward to seeing one and all. Happy New Year!
For additional ROMEO information, please contact John Pleck, Chairman Phone 770-396-6283.
Neighborhood News
Sympathy to...
Jim Dunlap and family on the death of Claydene.
Thank you to...
The family responsible for placing the luminaries for Carl & Jean Pahl.
Thank you to...
Eric & Paula Friedman, Mike & Julie Smith and Scott & Cathy Tapp for hosting the holiday progressive dinner, a fun time was had by all.
Congratulations to...
Andrew and Weslyn Bezila on the birth of their son Lawson.
VMCI Resignations (We'll miss you)...
- Carl and Jean Pahl
- Greg and Jennifer Nail
- Mike and Renee Shafer
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com
by January 25, 2014 for inclusion in the February issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.