Village Mill Neighborhood Association Newsletter
February 2014
VMCI Update |
2014 Membership Dues
The 2014 Membership Dues Notice and President's Letter was sent via email to all Village Mill Residents on January 26th.Please check your "spam" folders if you did not receive the notice.Members who do not have email addresses will receive the notice and letter via regular mail. Please direct any questions to
Reminder: 2014 Dues need to be paid by March 1st. You will notget a paper invoice this year, we went electronic!
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
Sunday, February 9, 7:30-Home of Kris and Tee Bridges
Sunday, March 9, 7:30-Home of Jen and Jeff Simmons
Sunday, April 13, TBD-Pool Pavilion
Save the Date
Saturday, May 3-Village Mill Spring Workday. Please plan to come out and help spruce up the club grounds. More details to come.
2014 VMCI Board of Directors
- President - Eric Friedman
- Vice President - Andy Smith
- Treasurer - Jeff Simmons
- Secretary - Tee Bridges
- Membership - Jan Hamilton
- Grounds - Joel Lourden
- Tennis - Katie Moussouri
- Pool - Jim Bartholomew
- Social - Cathy Tapp
- Webmaster - Jennifer Maceyko
- At Large - John Pleck
VMNA Needs Your Help
For the first time that I can remember in 39 years here in Village Mill, there are no officers ready to keep VMNA up and running. While the pool is a draw for getting people into Village Mill, VMNA is the heart and soul that keeps us here-the recent Ladies' Christmas Party, the Easter Egg Hunt, Strawberry Festival, the 4th of July Parade, Ghost Patrol and a party or two during the year.
Add the newsletter, the directory, book clubs, neighborhood watch, upkeep of the entrances, the neighborhood reps, candles and bows, and you can see why we need to keep VMNA going strong!It is the glue that is responsible for the ambience that is uniquely Village Mill - anotherreason families want to live here. Surely there is someone who can volunteer for a year or two. This is our family for many of us and we need to keep it together.
Gene Schuh
**Please consider volunteering to help with the Neighborhood Association. Contact Jen Simmons for more information on open positions and ways to get involved.

ROMEO 2014 began with a BANG as our January breakfast meeting was extremely well attended to hear from a ROMEO favorite, Mr. Chris Carr, newly appointed Commissioner, Georgia Department Of Economic Development. Chris left us no doubt as to his passion, vision, and knowledge in this very important position for our great state. Details of the scope, breadth, and initiatives of The Department shared with us by Chris are awesome. Governor Deal made a great choice in selecting Chris. Watch our State grow economically!
Our FEBRUARY breakfast meeting will be Monday (always 2nd Monday), February 10 at the Hickory House. Thanks to Rick McCully's efforts, our speaker will be Mr. Tom Faber, Director, Long Term Care Planning Center Of Georgia. This represents a nice change of pace for The ROMEOS and this subject should be of great interest to all ROMEOS. We look forward to seeing one and all.
For additional ROMEO information, please contact John Pleck, Chairman
Tennis News |
The following Village Mill teams are registered for the Spring Season. If you are interested in playing on one of these teams, please contact the team captain. If there is not a team at your levelcontact Tennis Chair, Katie Moussouri at, for information about teams at reciprocal clubs.
B-3 Thursday Women
C-8 Thursday Women
B-4 Men
Tom Fischgrund
A-1 Sunday Women
Jennifer Maceyko
A-8 Sunday Women
12&U Jr. Girls
April Toms
14&U Jr. Girls
14&U Jr. Boys
Jean Lehmann
18&U Jr. Boys
Katie Moussouri
Congratulations to Village Mill and TAA Players!
The high school tennis season is underway. Congratulations to the following Village Mill and/or Tennis Arukat Academy (TAA) players for making the Dunwoody High School team:
Dunwoody High School Varsity
Claire Gordon
Megan Gordon
Allie Puckett
Cullen Bankston
Dunwoody High School JV
Anna Marra (TAA)
Lindsey Puckett
Zoe Sirmans (TAA)
Claire Turner
Annie Wall
Adam Drucker
Russell Heidbreder
Important Dates
- Feb. 16 Regular-season Play Ends for Winter Mixed Doubles
- Feb. 19 DHS JV Tennis Home Match
- Feb. 20 Spring Team Schedules Available On-Line
- Feb. 25 DHS JV Tennis Home Match
- March 1 Rosters and Non-member Fees Due to Tennis Chair
(Adult teams only)
- March 13 Thursday Women Play Begins
- March 15 Men & Junior Teams Play Begin
- March 16 Sunday Women Play Begins
- March 19 DHS JV Tennis Home Match
- March 31 DHS JV Tennis Home Match
- Courts #1 & #2 have been pressure washed and are looking great. We hope to do the same for the back courts before the start of the spring ALTA season in March.
- Summer Camp registration and sign up information will be available in March.
- Go to to make your court reservations. If you do not have member access to the website, e-mail your name and e-mail address You will receive a link to activate your User Account.
- Be good stewards of our facilities and considerate of other members. Don't leave your trash for someone else to pick up. If you see an overflowing trash can, please empty it. Also, please use the Recycle Bins for recyclable items.
- Contact Katie Moussouri, Tennis Chair, with comments, questions and/or suggestions at
Swim Team |
Kick-off Coming Soon
The Swim Season will kick off soon. Look for information about registration, schedules and more to arrive shortly.
Contact Katie Frame if you are interested in helping out or are new to the swim team and want to learn more.
Book Club |
The Other Book Club
2014 Kick-off Meeting Rescheduled
Thursday, February 27th
7:30 pm
Erin Barrett's House
1952 Peeler
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, February 5
10:00 a.m. - Barbara Douglass's
7:30 p.m.- Marcia Dunn's
Book Choice: The Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Neighborhood News |
Congratulations to....
Rick Wamsley on his retirement onFeb 14thafter working 26 years at LexisNexis (formerly ChoicePoint).He will be spending more time with Nancy and Sarah Michelle and pursuingbusiness, recreational and educational interests.
Allison and Jamie Mneimneh on the birth of their son, Lucas Samuel Mneimneh on December 2
Congratulations to the Thundertrons Lego team. This seventh and eighth grade team from Dunwoody won first place in the Super Regional Competition and advanced to compete at the state level. Members included Village Mill's own Matthew Moussouri, Sam Lehmann and Eshaan Agrawal.
Get Well Wishes to....
Claudette Christensen as she recovers at home
Sympathy to...
Lourdes Knight and her family on the death of her sister
Welcome to...
New Associate MembersLeslie and Shawn Hamlin
Exchange - Post or List Announcements for Village Mill |
Dear Neighbors,
We are interested in pursuing a full-time nanny-share in Village Mill starting in April 2014 when our son will be four months old.If there is an existing nanny-share group in the neighborhood in need of a new family, or if there are other Village Mill families who might be interested in forming a new nanny-share, please let us know!
Allison & Jamie Mneimneh