Calendar of upcoming events
**The Ladies Fall Luncheon has been canceled this year due to low RSVP numbers and turnout in years past**
Monday, 9/8 ROMEO breakfast
Sunday, 9/14 VMCI Annual General Meeting (6pm, pool pavilion)
Sunday, 9/21 VMNA meeting at Julie Smith's (6:30pm)
Wednesday, 10/1 Dunwoody Tour of homes
Sunday, 10/19 VMCI meeting
Friday, 10/31 Halloween (Tricia Casey & Kim Sergent, more details to come)
Saturday, 11/8 or 11/15- Fall Party (Katie Frame & Cathy Tapp, more details to come)
Sunday, 11/16 VMCI meeting
Sunday, 11/30 Senior membership application due
December- Holiday Open house, TBD
Sunday, 12/7 ROMEO/JULIET dinner
Sunday, 12/14 VMCI meeting
Attention VMCI Members:
VMCI still needs volunteers to fill the Vice President and Social Chair positions for 2015. Please e-mail Andy Smith if you are willing to fill either position or would like additional information. A pair of members may combine to share the Social Chair position.
New Senior Membership applications due 11/30:
You are eligible for senior membership if you will be age 65 or older on or before January 1, 2015 (only one spouse need be 65+ to qualify).
There may be no persons below the age of 21 living at the senior member's home.
You must complete the Senior Membership application to Jan Hamilton (Membership) by November 30 of the current year to attain Senior Member status effective for the following year.
Go to www.Villagemill.org to fill out a senior membership and see the details.
Current senior members do not need to reapply.
Anyone resigning their Membership for 2015 will need to give notice to our membership chairman (Janhamilton@bellsouth.net) or treasurer (jefferyrsimmons@gmail.com) by Jan. 1, 2015. Otherwise the bond refund will be prorated.
The ROMEOS enjoyed another fabulous breakfast meeting in AUGUST as we were treated to a rundown on the upcoming 2014 National College Football Season by none other than "Mr. College Football", Tony Barnhart. Tony shared his "picks" and gave us updates and insights on several recent events and changes affecting College Football much to the delight of one and all.
For those wishing an autographed copy of one or more of Tony's best selling books, please e-mail him at barnhart@tonybarnhart.com
Our September 8th breakfast meeting will be held at J. Christopher's across from The Old Hickory House because of the sad turn events at The Old Hickory House. J. Christopher's has welcomed The ROMEOS with open arms. We are pleased to advise that Lynn Deutsch, our District 2 At Large Commissioner will be our honored guest speaker. This is our chance to get to know her better, get updates and insights on our City events and issues, and thank her for her work on our behalf.
Reminder: Our annual ROMEO/JULIET Christmas dinner is set in stone at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia Sunday, December 7th at 6pm. We hope you have your calendars marked.
Dunwoody Women's Club tour of homes
I am a long time member of VMNA and for the last few years have also been a member of the Dunwoody Woman's Club. Each year, the DWC hosts a tour of homes in the area on the first Wednesday of October each year. This year it will be on Wednesday, 10/1.
DWC is a Dunwoody service organization and all funding for our projects come from this one event and in your purchase of a ticket you become a part of the help we provide to the community.
I hope you will join me in making this year's tour the best ever, and I look forward to hearing from you.
You can reach me for a ticket at 770-396-5997 or at
1931 Village Creek Court.
Thank you for your support,
Joan Black
Neighborhood News
Congratulations to...
Greg & Nadine Evens on the birth of their daughter, Gabriella London Evans born 8/1. Proud siblings are Sophia, Gregory & Isabella.
Thank you from Nina Carlson...
My family offers heart felt thanks to our Village Mill friends and neighbors for their prayers, messages of encouragement and support for my granddaughter, who miraculously is now home recuperating from the accident. Village Mill is certainly an extraordinary place too call home.
Thank you to...
Jen Simmons for hosting another successful Kindergarten Round-Up Party for seven new Kindergarteners.
Sympathy to...
Alan and Kimi Lenertz, Alex and Gillian on the death of Alan's father.
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com by September 26, 2014 for inclusion in the October issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.
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