Calendar of upcoming events
Wednesday, 9/2 Georgie's Book Club
Saturday, 9/12 Juliet Luncheon
Sunday, 9/13 VMCI annual meeting
Monday, 9/14 ROMEO breakfast
Thursday, 9/24 The Other Book Club
Sunday 12/6 ROMEO/Juliet Christmas dinner
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings:
VMCI ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, September 13 at 6pm at the Pool Pavilion.
2016 VMCI Board Nominations:
The VMCI Membership will elect the VMCI Board of Directors for 2016 at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, September 13th at 6pm at the Pool Pavilion. VMCI members Andy Smith, Mike Kelley, Jan Hamilton, Wendy Puckett and Tee Bridges were the nominating committee members. They submitted the following nominees for the 2016 VMCI Board of Directors:
President Mike Kelley
Vice President Wayt King
Secretary Brandon Morris
Treasurer April Toms
Membership Warren and Kitty Turner (co-chairs)
Grounds Lourdes Knight
Tennis Jennifer Maceyko
Pool Liz Bankston and Sheila Greear (co-chairs)
Social Julie Kolevson, Courtney Santora and Anna Cummings (co-chairs)
At Large Julian Black
VMNA News:
The strawberry Festival made just over $3,000. Thank you to everyone that helped make this event a success.
A reminder about the Village Mill Co-op!
Interested in getting fresh, local and/or organic produce delivered to your door? April Toms started a Village Mill Co-op to with Nature's Garden Express. Village Mill can enjoy the benefits of easy access to nutritious and affordable food. Sustainably raised meats, farm fresh dairy and local fruits and vegetables are available. Prices are reduced as more people sign up.
To receive $10 off your first order, use the coupon code 463f4 when signing up.
A large group of ROMEOS turned out at our August breakfast meeting to meet, greet, and hear from our Dunwoody Mayor, and candidate for reelection, Mike Davis. There was abundant interactive dialogue and a lively Q & A session. We thank Mike for joining us and for his nearly 4 years of service and accomplishments as our sitting Mayor.
At our September 14th breakfast meeting at J. Christopher's we are changing gears and instead of a speaker we will focus on fellowship and deepening relationships. We also plan to celebrate the paving in Village Mill 2 as well as remember those fellow Americans who died in the 9-11 attack and their families. Please plan to join us.
Questions? Contact John Pleck.
September 12th 12:00pm, at the Atlanta Athletic Club
Please Invite all your single friends. We are having a special guest, Mary Louise Connor of the Perimeter North Villages, who will speak to us about the newest program for seniors in our area which will allow us to stay in our homes, if its the best thing for us. Mary will have brochures and volunteer forms for us. The main office space is being donated by DUMC on Mt. Vernon Rd.
The next Juliet meeting will be in November.
Ride or questions, contact Nancy Huey 770-396-7036.
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, September 2nd
6:30 p.m. at the pavilion
Scott Sergent will discuss his book, An Invincible Summer
The Other Book Club
Thursday, September 24th
7:30 pm, at Sara Smith's house
All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Neighborhood News:
Get well wishes to...
Pat Pleck
Ben Bailey as he recovers from a recent stroke.
Also, Ben and Barbara Bailey have changed their phone number. It is now 770-680-2102, please update your directories.
Sympathy to...
Bill Ozmint and family on the passing of Martha.
Kevin Hughes and family on the death of his mother, Beth Farris Hughes.
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com by September 25, 2015 for inclusion in the October issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.