Meet the class of 2026
Calling all rising Kindergarteners!!
Please join us onTuesday August 6th at 10:00at theVillage Mill Playground. This will give the kids a chance to get to know others with whom they will be going to school.We will have get to know you games, fun playtime on the playgroundand asweet treat toend the party -not to mention a party favor to send home with the kids.
We hope you can join us. Welook forward to getting to know your Kindergartener. Please email Nancy Wamsley (heynjw@comcast.net) or KristyWhitener (kjwhitener@gmail.com) if you are able to come by August 4th. Thanks so much! Nancy Wamsley and Kristy Whitener
Social Event at the Pool |
Party with the Band at Village Mill
Come and join the fun listening to the band "Blind Crush"!!!Friday, August 23, 8:00 pm.
We will dance, eat and drink the night away with friends and neighbors!! This is anAdult social in the pool parking lot.Bring a chair and BYOB. Light apps will be provided.Feel free to invite your friends!!!
$10 a person
$18 a couple
Please pay Wendy or Julie at the party..... Checks made to VMCI RSVP 8/21 to dbjcole@aol.com
VMNA Meeting August 25th
Meeting at the Pool Pavilion
The next VMNA Meeting will be on August 25th at 7:30 pm. It will be held at the pool pavilion. Contact Jen Simmonswith questions.
Annual VMCI Meeting |
Annual Meeting - Sunday, September 22 @ 5:30 pm
VMCI's Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd @ 5:30 pm at the pool pavilion. Please note this is a date change from what we published in last month's newsletter. For those that have not attended an annual meeting, we will give a brief update on the health of the club, discuss major projects completed and planned for the year, and vote on the board members for 2014. We had an incredible turnout last year and we are hoping for another strong turnout this year in support of your club!

THE ROMEOS had another great meeting in July thanks to an in depth presentation by Mr. DonBoyken, Chairman Of The Board, of our top notchDunwoodyChamber of Commerce. We learned of the manyaccomplishments our Chamber has achieved, as well as current projects on the books, and the promotion and continued development ofDunwoody's "Sense Of Community" which setsDunwoodyapart. Great job Don and Chamber.
Our August breakfast meeting will beMonday, AUGUST 12at the Hickory House. We are most pleased that Mrs. Stacey Harris, President of theDunwoodyHomeowners Association, will be our guest speaker. We anticipate getting up to speed on theDHAmission,vision, works in progress, positions, and interaction with other organizations working toward the continued betterment of our great City etc. Please make plans to join us for what will be another great meeting.
ROMEO =RetiredOldMenEatingOutis a breakfast group composed of mostly retired men with diverse backgrounds, and for the most part, Veterans. The group formed over 20 plus years ago anchored by residents of The Village Mill Subdivision.Many former residents have remained members and we have added men withties to Village Mill in one way or another.
THE ROMEOS meet for breakfast the 2ndMonday of the month January through November at the Hickory House inDunwoody. Coffee starts at 830 AM with breakfast at 900 AM. In early December we have our annual Christmas Dinner with spouses and significant others as well as THEJULIETS(ROMEO WIDOWS) and support theDunwoodyPolice Department "Christmas For Kids" Annual Program as a service project.
THE ROMEOS are very civic minded and information hungry and enjoy the warm fellowship. We generally have a speaker keeping us up to date on the issues of the day. Breakfast is "dutch treat" and there are no dues. We keep it simple and fun!
For additional ROMEO information, please contact John Plack, Chairman.
Juliets Meeting |
The Juliets met on June 22 at The Atlanta Athletic Club.Many were on vacation but 8 of us had a good time, eating, talking andenjoying being together.
Our next meeting isSept.21. Please save the date.
Also saveDec 1st. We have been invited to join the Romeo's for the annual Xmas party. Thank you Romeo's! Contact Nancy Huey attwohueys@bellsouth.netfor more info.
Messages from VMCI |
Profile Updates on VMCI Neighborhood Website (villagemill.org)
The 2013 VMCI Annual Meeting will be the first annual meeting to "go green." We will be sending out the meeting notice and agenda electronically rather than by US Mail. Please take time to log in and register on the VMCI website if you have not previously registered on the site. If you have registered, please take time to confirm and update your e-mail address included in your member profile on the website. The following link will take you to the member log-in page:
E-mail meeting notifications will be distributed in early September.
Nominating Committee
The bylaws stipulate the board must appoint a five-person nominating committee to propose board members for 2014. This year's nominating committee is chaired by Andy Smith (VMCI Vice President) and the committee members include Eric Friedman, Terry Manown, Mike Smith, and Linda McJunkin. 2014 board member positions will include Secretary and Membership. If you would like to volunteer for a VMCI Board position, please email Andy Smith at andrewhmsmith@yahoo.com. The Nominating Committee is scheduled to meet on Sunday August 18th, 7:00pm at the pool pavilion.
Reminder to Be Respectful of Activity Registration Deadlines and Payments
We are fortunate to have a VMCI club membership and a VMNA organization with many active volunteers to help make our club and our neighborhood so awesome. It is important to remember that these volunteers put in a huge amount of effort and hours for the benefit of others. In order to help our volunteers plan and manage events with less stress, please be mindful to adhere to event registration deadlines and remit timely payments for event participation and annual dues.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
- August 18 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm (Pool Pavilion)
- August 18 (Sunday) @ 7:00pm (Pool Pavilion) - Nominating Committee Meeting
- September 22 (Sunday) @ 5:30pm (Pool Pavilion) - VMCI Annual Membership Meeting
Friday Night Cookouts |
Join us for Dinner!
We are still looking for a few cooks this summer. If you can help out, please contact Linda McJunkin.
Watch for a sign-up genius each week.
Tennis News
Congratulations to the A-2 Mixed Doubles Division winners! What a great season!
We have 10 Village Mill teams registered for the fall:
Captain E-Mail Address
* B-3 Thursday Women Barb Douglass barbdouglass@comcast.net
* C-8 Thursday Women Denise Pruitt deniseatthebeach@aol.com
* B-3 Men Art Simon adsimon38@hotmail.com
* AA-3 Sunday Women Jennifer Maceyko jennifermacekyo@hotmail.com
* A-7 Sunday Women Lynn Kester lynn@wwgroup.net
* C-7 Sunday Women Melanie Ford melford4@gmail.com
* 12&U Jr. Girls Julie Shaffner shaffner2@hotmail.com
* 14&U Jr. Girls April Toms batoms@icloud.com
* 10&U Jr. Boys Bruce Cameron bruce.cameron@chic-fil-a.com
* 14&U Jr. Boys Ginger Heidbreder heidbreder@bellsouth.net
Play begins the first week in September and ends the week of October 14.
If you are interested in playing on one of these teams contact the team captain. If you do not see a team at your level, contact Katie Moussouri at kmoussouri@gmail.com for information about teams at reciprocal clubs.
Tennis Arukat Academy (TAA) News
* The After School Program resumes August 5.Go to tennisarukat.com, click on the "Drills" tab and select "After School Kids Drills" to get more information. The program is the same as last year. Players are grouped by ability and have the opportunity to attend drills once, twice or more each week - depending on the player's schedule and interest.
If you are new to the program, download registration forms (under the "Registration" tab). If you are returning to the program, send your day preferences to Takura at takura@tennisarukat.com. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your registration is complete.
* Save the date for August 10! TAA is hosting its annual end-of-summer kid's tournament at 2 p.m. The registration fee is $15. There is no fee to play if your child participated in summer camp.
The deadline for registering is 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 8. The draw will be prepared on Friday, August 9 and late registrations will not be accepted. To sign up, go to:
* TAA welcomes Bobby McMahan as assistant tennis pro. He graduated from Ohio Dominican University in 2013 where he played on the tennis team. Bobby is no stranger to Village Mill. He grew up in Dunwoody in The Branches neighborhood, graduated from Dunwoody High School and has played on Village Mill mixed-doubles teams since he was 18 years old. If you see him around please introduce yourself and say hello.
Book Club |
Other Book Club
The Other Book Club will be meeting at Sheila Greear'shouse on Tuesday, August 27th at 8 PM. We will be reading The Paris Wife by Paula McLain. Evite will go out soon!
Georgie's Girls Book Club
 Wednesday, September 4
10:00 a.m. - Nina Carlson's
7:30 p.m.- Rosanne Scafidi's
Book Selection - Read a biography of your choice
Vipers Swim Team Ends a Successful Season |
Thanks for a great swim season!
Thank you to all the volunteers and parents that made itanothergreat swim team season. We won 3 of our 5 meets and camethis closeon the other 2.All our swimmers improved over the course of the season and had fun being in the pool with their friends and neighbors.
Everyone pitched in as timers, bull pen parents, runners, concession stand workers and the list goes on... a big thank you to everyone.We want to add our additional gratitute to the people that took on extra jobs for the team:
Concessions: Wendy Puckett, Tara Sinisgalli, Julie Cole
Volunteers: Julie Smith, Courtney Lamb
Swimsuits: Kristy Whitener
Divisionals: Leigh Anne McGrady
Pictures: Melanie Gracey
Computer: Mary Jane Hess
Sponsorship, Set-up & More: Katie Moussouri
We appreciate all the hard work of our fabulous coaches - Cheri Matthews, Rachel Gattis & Greg Reis. We had some great junior coaches this year, thank you to Hayley Pierce and Wyatt Brown for all your work.
If you have not picked up your swimmer's trophy, please contact Cathy Tapp.We hope the swim season was a positive for your kids as it was for us.
Cathy and Katie
Congrats Viper's Swimmers |
Divisional Swimmers Excel
Congratulations to the swimmers that participated in the Divisional Swim Meet for Village Mill. We had a number of swimmers that qualified for the second round. Congrats to:
Claire Shaffner: 25th in 25 free, 17th in 25 back
Ansley Gavlak: 13th in 25 free, 15th in 25 fly
Lilly Tapp: 21st in 25 breast, 21st in 25 fly, 7th in 200 11-12 free relay
Taylor Pierce: 7th in 200 free relay
Maddie Tapp: 7th in 200 free relay, 15th in 100 free, 12th in 50 fly
Haley Pierce: 12th in 100 IM, 9th in 50 fly
Kaleigh McGrady: 7th in 200 free relay, 2nd in 50 free, 6th in 100 IM
Rocco Sinisgalli: 13th in 25 breast
Tim Hillegass: 26th in 50 free, 21st in 25 fly
Will Hillegass: 22nd in 50 free, 19th in 100 IM
Ryan Smith: 22nd in 25 back
Brooks Lalley: 14th in 50 free, 3rd in 50 breast
Colton McGrady: 10th in the 50 free, 14th in 100 IM
4th of July Veterans Bows
A message from Julian Black
We had another purchase of two Navy Bows. This was to honor a very important person to the Village Mill Neighborhood.
Lynn Simonson: One Navy Bow for her mailbox to honor her longtime friend and companion Captain John Steffes and one Navy Bow for Captain John Steffes' mail box. John lived in Village Mill for a number of years and passed away in April. He spent a number of years in the Navy and retired as a Captain. He was a Navy jet pilot, a Navy ship Navigator and held many Navy command positions before retirement. We all miss John and all that he did for Village Mill.
I would like to thank the Village Mill Neighborhood Association for its strong support for the "Military Bow" program.
Neighborhood News |
Congratulations to....
Congratulations to O.M. Stump who celebrated his 90th Birthday July 5.O.M. resides at 1833 Village Mill Road and is an original owner in our neighborhood.
Get Well Soon...
Get well wishes to Dave Jeanson recovering from surgery.
Get well to Ted Kolczak-hip replacement surgery.
Get well to Ben Bailey.
Lost and Found
If anyone has left something valuable at the pool please contact Jim Bartholomew @bartdunwoody@yahoo.comwith a description of the item.
Thank you...
Terri Gouldman for a fabulous 4th of July dinner. The rain came in the middle, but it was a fun event under the pavilion!
Janey Hoag for organizing and pulling off the 4th of July parade between rain storms. The tradition lives on!
Good-bye to Village Mill Neighbors
The Vogelsang Family (Jake, Sara, Maddie and Abby)
The Friedman Family (Sallie, Rebecca, Jennifer and Hannah)
The McArthur Family (Leigh and Wendy)
Welcome to...
The Littlefield Family (Jim, Monica, Grace and Helen)
4845 Olde Village Court