Sunday, October 4th at 7pm at the home of April and Brian Toms
Membership Update
Village Mill Club anticipates a waiting list for next season.If you will not be renewingyour membership for 2016 please inform the Membership Chairman,
At the VMCI Annual Meeting on September 13, 2015, the following VMCI Members were elected toserve on the 2016 VMCI Board of Directors:
President - Mike Kelley
Vice President - Wayt King
Secretary - Brandon Morris
Treasurer - April Toms
Membership - Warren and Kitty Turner (co-chairs)
Grounds- Lourdes Knight
Tennis - Jennifer Maceyko
Pool - Liz Bankston and Sheila Greear (co-chairs)
Social - Julie Kolevson, Courtney Santora and Anna Cummings (co-chairs)
At Large - Julian Black
Halloween Pizza & Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat in Village Mill
Saturday, October 31, 2015
5:30 p.m.
Village Mill Pool Parking Lot
Pizza and the Costume Parade is a tradition at Village Mill. Join us in the pool parking lot at 5:30. Trick or Treating will start after the parade.
Adults $4, Children $3 (10 and under)
Families are responsible for their own beverages. Volunteers to bring sides are always welcome, contact Tricia!
Please RSVP to Tricia Casey ( casey_p@bellsouth.net), by Thursday, October 29. Please make checks payable to VMNA. Also, we are looking for a few volunteers to make appetizers and bring fruit. Please let Tricia Casey know if you can bring something.
Please include the number of adults and children. You can bring your money to the pool on Halloween.
Ghost Patrol Needs Your Help!
Please help keep our trick-or-treators safe!
Every year we count on the fabulous ghost patrol volunteers to help keep our streets safe for kids and parents who are out after dark.
Each Halloween we use 35 (or more) volunteers to safeguard Village Mill's streets. And we need your help to keep this tradition alive!!
Volunteers take 1-1/2 hour shifts (from 6:15pm-7:30pm or 7:30 pm-9:00pm). One volunteer is stationed for every 10-12 houses. They wear reflective vests, carry flashlights, and keep trick-or-treating safe and fun for everyone. At 8:30pm they let trick-or-treaters know the time so they can be home before Ghost Patrol retires for the night.
Many families will be turning off their porch lights at 8:30pm, so please remind your children not to ring the doorbell if the lights are off.
Please consider helping this year.Halloween on Saturday night is always busy and we need lots of volunteers! If you're available on Saturday, October 31st, please call or email Tricia Casey at 770-395-1235 to volunteer for either shift. Happy Halloween!! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4ca8af29a02-village2
Fall Hayride & Festival - Date Change
Join Village Mill for our Fall Festival and Hayride
Saturday, November7th
3:00 -8:00
$ 10 per person
$ 35 per family of 4 or more
Kids under 3 free
We are moving the hayride to betteraccommodateall the great events happening this fall. Please support Peachtree Middle School's CV Run and Dunwoody Elementary's Tour de Dunwoody Bike Race on October 17.
Join us for our annual hayride, football viewing and fall fun event. We will have TVs showing all the big games, jumpies for the kids, hayrides, dinner and smores. Starting in the afternoon and continuing until dark.
We have lots of great activities, including:
- Jumpies will open at 3pm. One will be designated for ages 5 and under. Please make sure to watch your own kids! We will not have a jumpy watch patrol.
- FOOTBALL! We will have several tv's for watching multiple games.
- Hayrides leaving from the clubentrance.
- Food will be served around 5:30pm
- Firepits for post-game smores
The food will follow the Friday Family Dinner model. VMNA will provide the main course and we are asking you to bring sides.We are making chicken and brats for the adults, and hot dogs for the kids. Water and Lemonade will be provided, all other beverages are BYOB.
Questions? Contact Cathy Tapp or Wendy Steck
Book Club
The Other Book Club
7:30 pm
Thursday, Oct 29
"Etta and Otto and Russell and James" by Emma Hooper
Hosted by Anna Huston Cummings
4741 Olde Village Lane
Romeo News
Our SEPTEMBER breakfast meeting was attended by a smaller than usual crowd, but nonetheless spirited and engaged as the focus was on fellowship taking a break from our usual format involving a guest speaker. Most of the problems of the world were addressed and solved in the lively dialogue. Thanks were expressed to all of those in our city government who advocated and pushed for the beautiful paving job in Village Mill 2.
We have extended a warm ROMEO welcome to Robert Wittenstein, President of The Dunwoody Homeowners Association, to join us at our OCTOBER meeting as our honored guest. We look forward to his acceptance and getting an update on the issues and challenges of the day affecting our great City from the DHA perspective. This should be an interesting meeting. Please plan to join us.
Sidewalks in Village Mill
If you have tried to walk to a nearby school, or stroll through the neighborhood, you know that traffic is an issue in Village Mill II.Dunwoody has a master plan to install sidewalks across the City, and we are asking thatsidewalks on Village Creek Drive, Olde Village Lane and Olde Village Run be moved to the top of the priority list.
We have some good momentum with the City Council right now after a group of concerned neighbors spoke at the council meeting in September. If you would like to help advocate for Village Mill or learn more, please contact Anna Huston Cummings.
Tour de Dunwoody Bike Ride
Dunwoody Elementary is hosting the fifth annualTour de Dunwoody on Saturday, October 17th.
It is the family fun bike ride at DES that rolls around the school and through Village Mill every fall. The school would absolutely love forVillage Mill residents to participate in the ride or cheer us on that morning! Attached is the flyer for the event.Contact Amy Dyche for more details.
Holiday Events
We are looking for a neighbor to volunteer their home for our annual holiday party in December. If you are interested, please email Julie Kolevsohn at julie.kolev@gmail.com
Senior Membership Applications due 11/30
Senior memberships for VMCI are available if you meet the following criteria:
- You will be age 65 or older on or before January 1, 2015 (only one spouse need be 65+ to qualify)
- There are no persons below the age of 21 living at the senior member's home
You must complete the Senior Membership application to Jan Hamilton (Membership) byNovember 30of the current year to attain Senior Member status effective for the following year.Go to www.Villagemill.orgto fill out a senior membership and see the details.
Current senior members do not need to reapply.
Neighborhood News
Thank You from Bill Ozmint and Cathy Hoffer...
Thank you for showing us the love in our community. We are so thankful for the casseroles, flowers, love and support that were given to us during my mother's final weeks. She was a very special lady.
Although these are hard times, Nancy is doing surprising well.
Cathy and Craig
Bill and Nancy
Sympathy to....
Bill and Gene Schuh and Family on the death of Gene's mother.
Congratulations to....
Jason and Parker Hughes on both reaching the rank of Eagle Scout with Troop 434 at All Saints' Church.
Speedy Recovery to...
Larry Weber who is in hospital with pneumonia
VMCI, Inc. | Villagemill.org