Village Mill Neighborhood Association
May 2015
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" onfacebookfor updates
Cinco de Mayo Party
Saturday, May 2nd from 7pm - 11pm in the pool parking lot.The cost is $15 per person (ADULTS ONLY).We're spicing things up with a food truck this year!Margaritas and Mexican beer will be flowing, too!
Check your spam folder for an e-vite that went out earlier this month or you can RSVP to Courtney Santora.
We need a minimum of 40 people to secure the food truck, so pleaseRSVP bythis Friday, April 24th.
VMCI Spring Work Day
Saturday, May 2nd from 9am - 1pm.
Please come to the pool parking lot along with your shovels, bow rakes, wheel barrows and work gloves.There will be pine straw and wood chips to spread, shrubs and flowers to plant.
Coffee and doughnuts will be available in the morning; pizza and soft drinks at noon.
Volunteers are needed for help in maintaining the appearance of the property and to get the pool ready for the summer season. The more participation we have, the more we can accomplish to help keep property maintenance costs down and your annual dues costs from increasing.
Thank you in advance for your help in keeping VCMI beautiful!
Friday, May 22nd at the pool.Come celebrate the end of the school year with pizza, friends and fun!More details to come.
Swim Team News 
The Village Mill Swim Team season will be starting soon! Practice begins Monday, May 11! If you would like to join the team and have not yet registered, please do so today! Information can be found on the team website: villagemillswim.weebly.com In order to compete in the meets, each swimmer must also be registered with ASA. The link is: atlantaswimming.com
New this season...Vipers are looking for sponsors! Family sponsorships are available for just $25. We have a lot of swimmers this year who are 15 & older which is fantastic but those swimmers join the team for free. Sponsorship dollars help keep the registration fees low for 14 & under swimmers, provide t-shirts for all swimmers & coaches and enable the team to purchase equipment (as needed). For a detailed listing of sponsor levels and benefits, visit the team website at: villagemillswim.weebly.com
A detailed welcome letter will be sent out to all swim team members soon. It's going to be a great season. Go Vipers!!
Strawberry Festival
The Strawberry Festival will be held on May 30th with a rain date on June 6th! We hope you will make plans to attend as this is our biggest fundraiser for Village Mill every year.
We need your help!! The signup genius is below, so please sign up to help that day.
Please consider donating to the auction - we are looking for anything from gift cards to vacation homes!
Please come to the VMNA meeting Sunday, April 26th 6:30 pm at Terri Gouldman'shouse to discuss ideas and volunteer.
Please pay 2015 VMNA dues ASAP,$35. Drop off at 4863 Village Creek Drive, there is a box outside the front door.
Water Aerobics:
Please make your check out ($100 for Seniors members, $50 full members) to Kathy Seggerson (1911 Olde Village Run).Everyone is welcome - men AND women.Come try a class ($5 each).
See you at the pool!
Juliets Meeting...
Hope to see you and your friends for a12:00lunch in the Troon Grill.Please bring a check to pay your own separate check, all inclusive.Please invite friends who don't have e mail.For more information or a ride, 770-396-7036or twohueys@bellsouth.net
We were pleased to have our Dunwoody Chief of Police, Billy Grogan, revisit THE ROMEOS at our March breakfast meeting. Chief Grogan gave us an insightful recap of the activities, projects, and successes of The Police Department. A very special highlight of our meeting was Chief Grogan introducing Detective Robert Barrett who earned and was awarded the prestigious "Officer Of The Year" for 2014 by his peers. THE ROMEOS took the opportunity to heartily congratulate Detective Barrett and show our appreciation, support, and respect for his service to our community as well as to all the great men and women making up the fine Dunwoody Police Department. It was a great, well attended meeting.
At ourApril 13thmeeting, again at J. Christopher's, our honored guest was Mr. Eric Linton, Dunwoody's new City Manager. Our thanks to Terry Nall who helped coordinate the invitation to Mr. Linton.
Please come one, come all!
Neighborhood News:
Congratulations to the class of 2015...
Please email your graduate's information to be included in the next newsletter.
Thank you to...
Suzanne Abrams and her committee for a great Easter Egg Hunt.
Sympathy to...
The Eanes family on Clare's death.Please keep Bob, Emily and Robert in your prayers.
Get Well Wishes to...
Dorothy Hinckley, as she continues to recover froma recent hospitalization.
Welcome New VMCI Members...
Todd and Eileen Pearson- Eric & Gabby
Christopher and Seea Blosfeld- Ajay & Nik
Scott and Tennille Biggers- Clara & Hadley
Curtis and Kristen Smith- Kendall, Erin & Jackie
Lance and Leslie Jessee, Sammy& Abby
Cam, Kelsie and Jack (2.5 yrs) Deiter who just moved into the Manown's house.
Good Bye to...
Terry and Pete Manown after 30 years of living here - you will be missed.
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.comby May 29, 2015 for inclusion in the June issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebookpage for upcoming events.