February news and events for Village Mill |
Village Mill February Monthly News & Updates
Upcoming Social Events
Come join your neighbors for a Village Mill Trivia team on February 24th at Mellow Mushroom at8:00 p.m
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events as well....
March 5th-Guys UFC Night (location TBD)
March 10th-Ladies Night at Vino Venue
April 15th -Family Bowling Night at Bowlmor Atlanta off Savoy Drive at6:00pm
April 30th -Cinco De Mayo Party
Look for more details for these events in upcoming newsletters.
Time for Swim Team
Believe it or not, it's time to start thinking swim team! Esther Cohen andCourtney Lamb are the swim team representatives this year. Coach CheriMills will be returning, as will Haley Pierce, Chandler Mulford, KaylynSinisgalli and others. Everyone is very excited about the season!
Like last year, the team website is the best resource for all things swim team:
with practice times, meet dates, and other specifics.
If your child is 15 or older and is interested in a Junior Coach position,applications and more details are on the swim team website. Applicationsmust be submitted by April 1.
Registration Day will be Sunday, March 13th from 3-5pm at Julie & MikeSmith's home. The address is 4763 Olde Village Lane. On Registration Day,you can purchase team swimsuits and Village Mill spirit wear and see/meetCoach Cheri and others. Registration information will be on the swim teamwebsite by March 1. Registration deadline is April 1.
Lastly, but very importantly, we love our sponsors! There are several levelsof sponsorship and they each help the swim team tremendously! If you areinterested in being a sponsor, please visit the swim team website or send anemail to swimteam@villagemill.org.
See you on Sunday, March 13th! Go Vipers!
Swim Team Website
Easter Egg Hunt Coming Soon!
Come celebrate spring with an Egg Huntand the big bunny!
Sunday, March 20th
at 4:00pm
VMCI playground/pool parking lot
For each child that is participating, please donate 1 dozen stuffed, plasticeggsto Suzanne Abram's house(4782 Olde Village Lane)no later than Thursday, March 17th. If possible, please stuffeggswith items that don't melt easily in the sun (no chocolate) and please make sure all candy is wrapped.
Rain-out date is Thursday 3/24 at 4:00pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
VMNA Ladies Social and SignUp
Come enjoy fellowship and see what VMNA has planned for the coming year.We will have signups for several of our big events and talk about what we want to do in 2016.
This year, we really need your help. We do not have a complete board and there a number of jobs that we all rely on for Village Mill to remain the outstanding neighborhood that we all love.Please consider volunteering your time this year in some way, big or small.Contact Katie Frame if you are interested in something specific or come to the cocktail event and signup!
Wednesday, March 2nd
6:30 pm -8:30 pm
1935 Olde Village Run
Book Club
The Other Book Clubis meeting on Thursday, February 25th at Anna Cummings House.
They are reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
7:30 pm
If you would like to be added to the email reminder list, please contact Anna. If you want to see what is coming or sign up to host, here is the link to the sign up genius.
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, April 6
10:00 a.m. - Louise Greene's home
7:30p.m.- Heather Morse's home
Book choice: A Man Called Oveby Fredrik Backman
Romeo News
THE ROMEOS kicked off 2016 with a BANG at our very well attended robust JANUARY breakfast meeting at J. Christopher's. Chris Carr, always a ROMEO favorite, and Georgia"s Premier Commissioner Of Economic Development, hit it out of the park with his remarks.Chris gave us an update on the key issues currently before our General Assembly as well as the challenges facing Dekalb County.
The highlight of his remarks focused on the workings and activities and mission of the 7 Divisions within The Economic Development Department Chris so ably directs. All were amazed at the breadth and scope of The Economic Development operation which has produced such outstanding results for Georgia with more to come. Great job Chris! A Silver Star was added to his Honorary Lifetime ROMEO credentials.
We also welcomed Warren Turner and Daniel Wargula into THE ROMEO FAMILY as new members.
At our FEBRUARY 8th breakfast meeting at J. Christopher's we are pleased and honored to welcome Nancy Jester, our District 1 outstanding representative on the Dekalb County Commission, as our guest speaker. Nancy's advocacy on our behalf is most appreciated and she is a beacon of light in restoring our once Great County to the premier status formerly enjoyed. We all have a deep vested interest in the timely update she will give us, as well as her projection and vision for Dekalb County in the future.
Contact John Pleck for more information.
Juliet News
We had a nice group representing us at the annual Christmas party.
Food was good and lots of fun. John Pleck did a great job and thank you Julian for name tags.
Our regular lunches are the 2nd Sat of every other month. We meet again in April.Hope you can join us for this occasion. Car pools are fun- more time to visit!
Thank you for bringing checks or correct change. You can order anything you want.
Nancy will drive, so call if you need a space! 770-396-7036
Look forward to seeing smiling faces!
Neighborhood News
Welcome to Charnel and Judson Lewis and their 7 year old son, Warren. They are living on Mill Stream Court.