Cinco de Mayo Party:
The Cinco de Mayo party is next Friday, May 6th!
There will be a Mexican food truck, live music, and margaritas!!!
Your check is your RSVP (made out to VMCI). You can drop your check off at the home of Anna and Ken Cummings (4741 Olde Village Lane). We must have all checks by Monday, May 2 in order to secure the food truck.
The cost is $15 per person, and please remember that this event is for active VMCI members only.
Strawberry Fesitval is Back!
Join us for Strawberry Festival at the Pool on Saturday, June 11th.We will have the traditional games, food and raffle.This annual tradition is always a lot of fun and it takes the whole neighborhood to make it happen. Please consider donating to the raffle, volunteering to help, or helping your child with a kid's booth.Please contact Carrie McDowellif you can help.
Strawberry Festival
Saturday, June 11
10:30 -1:00
Pool Parking Lot
Water Aerobics:
Ladies and Gentlemen, our season begins on Monday, May 30th this year. We will meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30-8:30 am. - weather permitting.
Please make your check ($50 senior member, $25 full member) out to Kathy Seggerson (1911 Olde Village Run).
Come try out a few classes. Everyone - men and women - is welcome!
See you at the pool.
Kathy Seggerson
It was a great pleasure and privilege to have Attorney Drew Early with us at our March breakfast meeting. Mr. Early is a distinguished Army Veteran and Attorney whose practice is devoted to and focused on Veterans Assistance and Elder Law. Mr. Early opened our eyes on the breadth, scope, and workings of our Veterans Administration and how to obtain assistance and available benefits. We appreciate the many "finer points" he shared with us. He most kindly offered to join us again at a later date to focus on Elder Law.
THE ROMEOS were honored to have our State Representative, friend, neighbor, and staunch ROMEO supporter, and super advocate on our behalf, Representative Tom Taylor
with us at our April meeting. (Pre-news releases).
Tom treated us to a great rundown on the recently completed 2016 Legislative Session with information on key bills, issues on the May 24th ballot, and an overview on key Dekalb County issues. We left the breakfast with a wealth of knowledge.
We took the opportunity to thank Tom for the super job he has done representing Dunwoody and District 79 and reconfirmed his Lifetime Honorary ROMEO Membership.
We observed a moment of silence to honor Joe Garson's memory.
Our May 9th breakfast meeting will focus on fellowship as there will not be a speaker reflecting a change of pace. We will be seeking input from the ROMEOS present as to programs and speakers they would like scheduled for the months of June through November. HELP NEEDED!
Juliets news:
Juliets, we will meet May 21st at 12:00 at AAC. We are hoping that meeting once a quarter might let us get more people to attend. We are blessed to be so busy!
Let me know if you need a ride and I look forward to seeing you!!!
Nancy Huey. 770.396.7036
VMNA Dues:
Sue Jones is now collecting VMNA dues of $35.Paid Members can pick up directories at the Strawberry Festival.
Neighborhood News:
Welcome new VMCI members...
Karen and Brad Lawson
Russell and Michelle Fincher
Sympathy to...
Len and Shirley Sheppard on the death of their daughter Susan.
John Gouldman and family on the death of his mother.
Congratulations to the class of 2016...
Please email your graduate's information to be included in the next newsletter.
Next Newsletter:
by May 27, 2016 for inclusion in the June issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.